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Everything posted by Wynwood

  1. i literally hate children and their music i remember when the Frozen song was topping charts and beating everyone else in sales, disgraceful
  2. at this point lana might as well aim for an even younger audience
  3. Also "Lana Del Rey Lust for Life" is trending on Google
  4. i think WTWWAWWKD might be my favorite song on the album
  5. I wouldnt buy a physical copy just because it was signed. If i wanted one signed id go to her concerts and try to get it signed. Its better to have her sign it in front of you as proof (as someone earlier said) that it wasnt anybody else like Ben signing the copies
  6. Fantano can have whatever opinion his stupid ass wants to have. Its just that if he wants to review lana he needs to stop being a dickhead on purpose. If you think about it, his lana reviews arent even reviews, theyre like "lana bashing time" or "judging the person instead of the music" In each.single.one. of his lana reviews he brings up her SNL performance, her past lizzy career, her plastic surgery past, the guardian review, etc. All things that have nothing to do with the actual album! And he said he loved HM? How are you gonna love an album and then give it a 5/10? In America, thats failing a test. The idiot can choke and his lana reviews shouldnt be taken seriously
  7. UV got critical acclaim and was even complimented by grammy award winning song writers (adeles writers who she was supposed to write with). I think fantano is just spreading his bias. Ive tried to listen to the albums he worships on his youtube channel so i dont think the man knows what homogeneous means considering its all bland unknown indie pot heads that sound all the same
  8. Anthony fantano can take his stupid reviews and shove it up his butt
  9. HM is high ranked for me because im literally emotionally attached to the album
  10. Cherry (the dirty cuss word version) is my fave song on LFL
  11. I tryo to google what Topanga looks like but all that comes up is that girl from that tv show lmao
  12. How is it possible that every song on this album is good. She usually has one or two songs that arent that good on each album, but not with LFL
  13. she also said In My Feelings is Stella's favorite song on the album
  14. imagine an album full of Scarfaces, Florida Kilos, and Art Decos
  15. she did fine with Freak and Gods and Monsters, she had serious trouble with Serial Killer
  16. really need the next album to be Miami scarface themed
  17. LMAO lana acknowledged that Tyler's album comes out today too
  18. lmao lana asked the guy what his age was when he asked if she would date a fan
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