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Posts posted by queenbitchpro

  1. I just listened to the EP yesterday and Gateway Drug is just  :defeated:  :defeated:  :defeated: slay a bit

    The whole EP is good tbh I'm really happy with the direction. I was worried for a bit  :creep:

  2. She better not pull a Grimes and then decide to scrap the whole thing.


    IDEK how she's keeping the Masochism title even. Id hate it after this long


    MTE... I mean she must have at least 2 albums worth of songs recorded or at least demoed at this point...And how tf is she still performing Guardian? Weren't we supposed to get that song as a lead single like 3 years ago lmaoooo. It probably won't ever see the light of day  :poordat:

  3. WTF @ this bitch. I'm fed tf up like I get she's an artist and all and doesn't want to release something she isn't satisfied with but... she is clearly manic depressive/bipolar and I don't think she'll ever be happy with her work TBH.


    Maybe she's trolling and her album will be announced within a week  :creep:


    99.99% chance that's not gonna happen tho  :creep:  :creep:  :creep:

  4. Do we even know if Gwen actually recorded the song? Because it's not among the eight tracks that are on the promo CD of the scrapped album (if this promo CD even exists). Although I would love to hear her version.  :flutter:


    Dennis leaked a snippet of Gwen's version, didn't he? You can find it by searching "Gwen Stefani - Hard 2 Love, Hell Yeah Baby, Reflecting" on YouTube.


    Yeah a snippet of her demo leaked a while back. Charlotte did it better  :hooker:

  5. The vocal production in the chorus has me floored y'all. But in other news why do we have to wait almost a month for Hunnie Pie all of a sudden...? That's just weird to release a 2-song single but have one of the songs for pre-order a month early. Ooookay then

  6. Check your computer for viruses, my antivirus software went crazy and immediately detected malware


    That's weird it just downloaded a .rar file for me with the song in it and nothing else

  7. Am I the only one who doesn't find Titanic weird/creepy/pretentious/etc? I think he's funny. And I think I liked a couple of his songs back when I listened, idk tbh I was too interested in Mars to pay attention to him lmao. He doesn't bother me at all tho

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