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Posts posted by queenbitchpro

  1. Ohhhh my god they fucking did that. This is such a solid record man... they deserve so much success. Tbh I think they kinda ruined DETLM in comparison to the EP version (srry don't drag me sisters), but the new Dillon>>>>> ... fucccckkkk yes serve those vocals. I feel these songs so hard. Crystal Universe, a bop. Imagining, a BOP. Every single song a fucking bop y'all I am so overwhelmed with how good all these songs are. And I totally get why HWIC/Elevator/Hypersex/PAD didn't make the album now, they really don't fit the concept and this is a COHESIVE masterpiece if there ever was one!

  2. can’t wait to see court footage of poppy not acting like a total asshat and hiding behind a persona.


    Mars for the win, we always been knew her music was better.


    OMG I didn't think about this. She will literally be forced to drop the Poppy character in the courtroom.  :rip:  LMAOOO imagine if she didn't tho


    Judge: "Ms. Pereira, it's come to my atten-"


    Poppy: "Hi, I'm Poppy. The internet is fun. I'm Poppy! Do you know the meaning of life? My computer is my best friend. I'm Poppy."


    Judge: "Excuse me, but this is a professional environment, and a serious case in which you should be concerned about."


    Poppy: *starts bleeding from mouth*

  3. Had no idea who Mars Argo was until reading through the lawsuit, but she's been through a lot with Titanic and then Titanic/Poppy seemingly stealing a lot of her stuff and getting famous off of it. I hope this poppy person isn't going through similiar things with Titanic, but I wouldn't be surprised if she was and was maybe really intimidated/fearful of leaving. I hope something good comes of this lawsuit. 


    Yeah that's something that's been on my mind. I wonder what Poppy is going through and how she really feels about all of this. Honestly I wish she'd never met Titanic in the first place because she would have had a great pop music career with Island had she not focused all her attention on Titanic's weird ass aesthetic thing.


    Come thru coke rage. But yah, that person is right. "It's an EP", "No it's a mini-album".. so it's an EP, honey.




  5. if it's taken her four years to mix guardian, i can't fathom what year we're gonna get the album when she finishes the other tracks


    2023. Start saving your coins, ladies! If you save like 1 penny per week until the album release you should be good!

  6. Thanks! That's very surprising, it's a stadium anthem with controversial lyrics, gays should be floored. I'm gonna need a link  :excited: Or so I don't have for every single song you guys talk about, is there a masterpost like for Lana?


    I'm sure there is, but I don't personally know of one. Ladies and gays please link Anne to a masterpost if you know of one! If not, I can upload my collection although I know I don't have everything.


    And there's multiple versions of MJH but this is the one I was referring to - http://picosong.com/wetE3/

  7. Drag me daddy, I know, it's just that musically BTW is a bit like "I don't get it" for me, a bit took dark or another genre that I can't pinpoint, idk. But Americano is one of my fav songs Gaga or not, I love the rhythm and melody so much and the buildup to the end. Wait what? Is MJH considered subpar by fans? I've always thought it was one of the Gaga songs that slapped the most


    MJH has pretty mixed opinions but it's my favorite on the album as well. Total bop!


    edit: I prefer the demo version tho

  8. ...........how the F*CK she's really mixing a song that was supposed to come out with a supposed Music Video... IN 2015?? There are probably 10 versions of every song ready to come out


    Literally like what the fuck. It was supposed to be the lead single of Masochism, "summer 2015", then when September rolled around she said "Oh, it was pushed back due to scheduling but it's ready to be released!" and then never spoke about the release or the music video etc. for almost 3 FUCKING YEARS other than performing it every now and then at different shows and now she's "mixing" it in the studio??????? I mean don't get me wrong YAS bitch give us that holy masterpiece that we've been waiting for! But also what the actual fuck are you doing girlie...  :um3:





    :crying:  :crying2:  :trisha:  :lange:  :oprah2:


    :sky:  :sky:  :sky:  :sky:  :sky:

  10. They said they were likely ending K.I.D. after the album dropped


    Wtf why? They could go so far. Why do they keep starting projects (KaraMel, The Boom Boom, etc.) and as soon as they make progress they back out? I feel like K.I.D is by far their best work and they could take off with the album with the right promo. Now I'm sad.

  11. Honest to god this breaks my heart



    As much as I want all of her unleaked music that we have snippets/live/etc. I want this song more than I've ever wanted anything to leak in history. Even if she did like a live studio performance of it like she did with YNTO I'd be satisfied. I swear to christ this is my favorite song she's ever written I get so emotional watching her perform it. Ugh.

  12. I finally found this omg who remembers  :defeated:  :defeated:  :defeated:





    I was so hopeful back in 2012-2013 that eventually all her old pop demos would leak. I get less hopeful each year tbh. I'm also getting less hopeful that she'll even release another album ever again. And the fact we might never get Guardian.... ohhhhhh my god I want to cry.  :rollin:

  13. This is just bizarre. I mean how can they FIRE Lindsey at this stage in their career? They're legendary ffs you don't FIRE a band member over a "disagreement" with the tour... I feel like something else happened and they're just not saying because this literally makes no sense. Wtf you can't have Fleetwood fucking Mac without Lindsey. No bitch. No.

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