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Posts posted by queenbitchpro

  1. Alex is one of the sweetest people I've known and super talented, he deserves to be so successful. Sometimes it's hard to believe he does everything by himself, but he does.





  2. @queenbitchpro thank you for creating this topic and showing us another super talented artist here on LB


    Just doing god's work tbh! <333

  3. Alright ladies and gays, I am about to get so much shit from him because he keeps telling me not to make a thread but this is @@alexthecannibal on here, he's active sometimes but it's kinda rare. He's a really sweet person and he's become a friend of mine, and IMO really talented and I think his music bops so idc I'm making a goddamn thread whether he wants it or not! (He thinks nobody on here would care enough to listen and he's kinda shy) so sorry boo but I'm giving you the credit you deserve!!!


    He's working on his debut album "One Man Show" set to be released later this year. All of his songs are written and produced by him, hence the title.


    He dropped the title track as the lead single last year, and he's planning on releasing his new single "Free" next month accompanied by a high budget video that he's really excited about.





    also he posts random demos and stuff on his SC from time to time https://soundcloud.com/alexthecannibal


    I'm about to text him that I finally did it lmaooo I'm so nervous y'all he's gonna come for my wig. I LOVE YOU BB!!!!!

  4. Snippet of an unleaked The Gays have called "Our Religion" 


    Alrighty well who has it and who's gonna leak it because I need that in my life rn

  5. Fast car version of girls actually slaps, the album version I just don't like

    SY and Forget r too repetitive but I'll only actually ever skip sex yeah


    666 Yeah remains unbothered. She is doing just fine  :bye2:

  6. Worst from each (fact edition)


    TFJ: guilty

    EH: How to Bath and Radiowaves

    Froot: all good but btt is boring until the bridge


    I absolutely agree. Except I like BTT more than Weeds. But yes, taste.

  7. You know what, I'm gonna say it. The lack of respect for Starring Role in this thread is truly disturbing. Y'all throwing around all these other EH tracks as your faves, which are all great songs (excluding HTBAHB but since that song wasn't on the initial release I don't even fucking count it), but c'mon. Also Living Dead gets paid dust and I'm still upset it was cut from the US release of the album.


    Also also also... isn't it sad that because there's nothing going on in terms of MATD4 we've resorted to several pages of arguing over which of the 3 albums is best  :toofunny:


    The fact that your deaf ears doesn't like Radioactive and HTBAHB just goes to show how much of a try hard indie fan you are. Then again, this is Lanaboards... 


    They are both literally perfect pop songs.



    I don't dislike Radioactive it's just really generic and one of the least noticeable songs on the record. And HTBAHB is just simply trash! I don't even think Marina herself likes that song. Also I really wouldn't describe the rest of EH as "indie" but... okay!


    I love other people being deluded. EH and FROOT are her best honestly, but FROOT is just behind EH for me because Gold and Solitaire exist on that album when I’m Not Hungry Anymore does not. Radioactive exists on EH, and that song alone tops that album off. Along with HTBAHB and Electra Heart. The demonic soul sucking raising hell to the earth exorcism theme tune of a production that is that title track just ends the rest of her discography. 




  10. If she doesn't release anything by the end of this year lets all get together and steal her laptop: The Bling Ring 2018


    no joke im actually up for this


    Count me in. Not gonna wait an eternity for this bitch. She probably has like 6 albums worth of material lmao that's sad huh. We love to hate our fave  :hooker:

  11. electra shart is a disaster that should never have happened.. the concept was cute but it was executed horribly.. the only listenable songs are BB, Teen Idle, F&L, Radioactive and Sex Yeah.


    FROOT only has one shit track (Immortal)


    How on earth are you gonna include Radioactive, one of the most generic songs she's ever done, and pay dust to Starring Role? Like wtf it's STARRING ROLE. A LEGEND. A CLASSIC. And Immortal is literally amazing?????????? There really aren't any shit tracks from that era. Weeds and Gold are my least faves but I still like them.


    As far as the rest of this discussion goes I love all of Marina's albums and think they're all amazing in their own way. She's just phenomenal.

  12. "Carry me to my bed, paint my toenails blue, tell me all about the things you and i will never do"




    "'Cause I'm your jazz singer, and you're my cult leader. I'll love you forever"

  13. "Swinging in New York to Nirvana's song with nothing but that television on"


    "He understands the sale of self, 'cause cash comes quick when looks can kill."

  14. i actually never cared about her but this video and she seemed interesting tbh. thank you for sharing.

    does she have an album out or just ep?


    Just the EP, but if she had put the singles from before it came out on it, it would have been enough for a full length album. And she just dropped a new single with Khalid.

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