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Posts posted by DLT

  1. I think my boyfriend likes Lana to an extent. He went with me to her concert and liked it and he always air drums when West Coast comes on, sometimes subconsciously. He probably doesn't count since he doesn't really listen to her outside of when I do, that I know of. Except he was familiar with Blue Jeans when I met him but it could have been from an ex since I think she liked some pop music and they dated in late 2011 - late 2012. I know his brother (who is 100% straight) likes Born to Die (song). But I'm sure its hard for guys to get into a song with lines like "let me put on a show for you daddy" etc. although I think I've heard that some straight guys just imagine she is singing to them in some cases.


    This is how'd I'd imagine most straight guys get into Lana-girlfriends-or fantasy-or both lol!

  2. I agree with most of this minus the not feeling Honeymoon. I love Honeymoon lol!!! It's awesome. It did take some time for TLY to grow on me too. But seriously I'm so over the Caitlyn Jenner mess. It is old and dumb. Whack as fuck, people grow up and move on. If you don't like her "Lana" then don't look or listen.

  3. Thank you for the welcome!

    I've been a fan for a while.

    I just never got into these blogs. But now with this new album coming, I need people to talk to. I literally only have one other friend that I talk"Lana" with, but we barely have time to talk with . It's refreshing getting on this site and actually being active on it.

    I hear you lol and you're welcome for the welcome.

    But I'm pretty much the same. After my Lana concert got cancelled I needed people to talk to lol. My boyfriend gets tired of me talking about Lana lol, so I was like damn I need people. I need a Lana family. Ha ha here we are! I'm excited for the new album too though!

    Lol. So @@InTheSummer is a woman? , is what your trying to tell me? Well no, I don't have a pussy vagina...

    Lol @@InTheSummer is male but apparently has a vagina, figuratively speaking I do believe! Correct me if I'm wrong??? Lmao.

  4. I am a very straight male and I am a major LDR fan. I cant imagine not listening to her music. All of her music. But still, I haven't met another straight male that is a LDR fan

    I think we are all closeted LDR fans.

    I rarely listen to her songs in public. I've come to the conclusion that it is either because I am so protective and selfish of her, like I want her music all to myself. Or I just a little bit ashamed to let people know I like her music... such a dilema.

    Don't judge me

    No judgement. Do you, be happy lol! If LDR makes you happy then go for it. Don't worry about other people lol!

    Welcome to the LDR fandom though.

  5. in reference to comments above..curious tho- but i really wonder how many lana stans are gay. (male or female)..

    there must be tons of straight people that stan as well? i dont get the connection, its not like lady gaga

    is similar to LDR..? just curious tho.. :) not that its important, and i could care less really, but its interesting to see..

    i figure from shows anyway, most of lanas fans are younger girls..

    Yeah the comments, man! People need to chill lol. Let's all get along. We are all here for the same reason and that makes us "kindred spirits" in a way. Okay that may be a little far but still lol! Anyways if you're taking statistics I am a gay male in his mid twenties lol! There are a ton of younger girls at her shows though. Like wow! I felt old lol!!!

  6. Well I don't really like For K Part 2, to me the demo version is where it's at.

    I find Raise Me Up and Jump average, like they are pleasant to listen to but I would be totally fine with not hearing them ever again.

    It's okay though because Gramma is perfection. I mean who else writes lyrics like that.

    I agree with Jump and For K, they are just a bit bleh to me. I usually skip them tbh but Raise Me Up is my jam. To each their own though lol. Spot on with Gramma though it's one of my favorites on AKA! For some reason I love when she spells things out. Gramma and Summer of Sam go hard for me lol.

  7. It annoys me so much so many people think that she means to say that her "opponent" fucked her way up to the top. It's obvious that she tongue-in-cheek uses something people have claimed she herself did in order to attack her, which makes it obvious she doesn#'t care and that THIS IS HER SHOW, even IF she would have archieved it this way. By ironically accepting the accusation, she takes the power away from it.



    !!!! finally someone gets it!


    Yes it is so obvious the track is about Lana! People are always wanting to make something more out of something that isn't lol. I feel like it is a dis-track to all those people who doubted her or questioned her success and how she got there. Like fuck you I'm here and I know what you think but I don't give a shit because I run this show! I love the song to be honest lol. It's so feisty and when I'm wanting to feel SEXYYY I turn it way up lol!

  8. Does anyone at all feel that TLY is Lana talking to her fans? Kind of like a "farewell for now"?

    I have a feeling a looooong hiatus is coming, and we will "lose" Lana for a while, and we will remember her when listening to her tunes. Legends never get old. Almost like she's telling us that, We're going to feel lost for a while, but it'll be ok.

    We still go that jazz, while also having the blues.

    She's telling us that just needs to get away for a while. It's nobody's fault. She loves us, no matter how crazy we get *(fans tresspasing)

    The reference to David Bowie's Space Oddity about the astronaut disconnecting.. "GROUND CONTROL TO MAJOR TOM"

    in that song Major Tom just needs to go away in euphoria for a while. Recharge with space.

    We all now Lana loves space and cosmology. Maybe this is her way of telling us she needs to recharge, and float into "space" disconnecting from everything (all media)

    Pretty far fetched, I know. But just some personal thoughts I thought I should share.

    I love hearing peoples thoughts and ideas. Far fetched or not, keep them coming lol. However, I disagree. Or maybe I'm H O P I N G this isn't the case lol. I don't know I just keep playing that radio interview with Zane Lowe in my head where she said she will probably always be putting out music. She sd she went through a period where she questioned it and she still did it and that made her realize she will probably always be one of those people putting out albums every fifteen months or so lol. Maybe that's  wishful thinking. Who knows lol, Lana can be unpredictable when she wants to be!  Interesting theory though.

  9. I absolutely loathe most of these titles, but let's be real, the official track list is gonna be even worse (I mean, we saw what happened with the UV tracks… despite the songs themselves being amazing, a lot of the titles were horrific  :toofunny: )

    That list is a bit ridiculous lol, however I do like the idea of Honeymoon coming full circle with one opening and one closing.

    Ultraviolence though, I'm listening to it right now and it's just so amazing. Never gets old!

    So raw and just real, I don't know. Really anything Lana does I love but I think UV is a once in a lifetime deal.

    But back to Honeymoon, that track list is so false lol.

    Hopefully we get the real one maybe this week, that would be awesome. 

  10. nah it's gonna have perfect promo but get ripped apart by all the mainstream press for being not enough like ultraviolence :creep:

    Unfortunately I foresee this outcome as well!

    I hate that but I have a feeling they are going to tear it down so much.

    Reference it back to BTD and kind of say how it has the same inconsistencies.

    We will see though!

  11. I'm putting this here cause I'm sure some people would snark at the comparison but the outro for HBTB is giving me some serious Britney Spears vibes. Idk why, just that feel. No diss either cause I love Britney. Lol! Maybe I'm crazy.

  12. I didn't find the lyrics all that random though tbh. The guy is obviously one of  the bad boy prototypes she talks about in her songs. The "live fast die young" and the semi abusive but it's ok cause it's true love types. Jim and Bill and whoever else. She's done with that, it's too much and too taxing on her, she's tired of playing his game and being submissive to him. We see hints of this kind of thing in Afraid, the way she has to leave to "know what god knows" in Pawn Shop Blues, and the way she talks about being content until she realized she wasn't when she's asked about Video Games.


    She wants to spend time relaxing, having fun, being true to who she is, and she's not dependent emotionally or financially on some douchebag music type. She doesn't need anyone to put her in a movie because she makes her own movies now, and she doesn't want to sit on any record executive's lap anymore because she found that money, power and glory.

    She can be high on the beach like she's always wanted because she's free of this man and his will, and her strength is from within. She is autonomous and does what she wants, and she wants to take her bowl to the beach (personally I think it references marijuana as opposed to the tropes of harder life ruining, physically addictive drugs that she likes to compare these men to, like cocaine, methamphetamine, copious, unhealthy amounts of liquor)

    I like your take on this but instead of it being a literal reference to marijuana I like to believe it is just about her being at the point she wants to be at in her life. She has done what she wants, how she wants, and is where she wants to be! Despite all the hate, people, or obstacles in her way she is high by the beach! She dropped that negative shit and is letting them know it. As for a literal reference I like the idea of it being to her place in Malibu. I prefer that one over the weed one. Although I know the pot innuendo is going to be the thing the GP latches on to. It's pretty smart, her wording. I love how it can always be interpreted differently depending upon the person. I honestly think the possible allusion to marijuana will make it more popular. So go ahead on and get those downloads, buys, etc!


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