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Posts posted by DLT

    • 1: When did you first discover Lana Del Rey? Winter of 2011
    • 2: What was the first song that made you fall in love with her music Summertime Sadness (I first heard it on a 90's hr radio show(Kid Kelly Backtrax USA) on a Saturday morning in Dec 2011 and was like damn I have to have this, now! Been here ever since.)
    • 3: Favorite Lana hairstyle? I lover her as brunette! Gentle waves or straight. I liked her hair for Ride also!
    • 4: Favorite live performance? Really love the live shows @ Amoeba(2012) "Just seemed so chill. Down to earth" + Oslo(2013) "Heart Shaped Box, Body Electric :flutter: " + (Carcassonne(2014)  "Ride, MPG, FMWUTT. :flutter: "
    • 5: Favorite lyric? Honestly so many. She's really a great lyricist. I'm always posting them lol. Can't pick just one! Depends on my mood!
    • 6: Would you make out with Lana if you had the chance to? No, she's beautiful though!
    • 7: Favorite facial feature? Nose and smile!
    • 8: What's one thing you don't like about Lana? Inconsistency! 
    • 9: Have you ever met Lana? ​Unfortunately I haven't, would love to though!
    • 10: Who's you favorite artist after Lana? Radiohead and Yeah Yeah Yeahs never do any wrong to me. Currently active though I'm loving CHVRCHES and Purity Ring! (Honestly too many to name, I'm always listening to tons of music.)
    • 11: Would you say you're obsessed or just a really big fan? O B S E S S E D !
    • 12: What if Lana was secretly an evil zombie would you still love her? Lol, sure. Don't see this happening so that's what we'll go with.


  1. Love Kicker!



    Some faves:


    C o m p a s s


    H y p n o t i c 


    S h a d o w P r e a c h e r s (this is currently on repeat)


    H i g h


    J a m e s o n


    S w e e t O p h e l i a.



  2. This really sucks!


    Ugh, I should have went to Houston. :defeated:


    Oh well, shit happens lol. There's always next year!


    I was looking at the events for Gexa and they are packed pretty solid, so I can definitely see where there may be some conflicts.

    Like you say also, who knows what else could be in play!


    Just not meant to be, that's okay though!

  3. V i d e o G a m e s


    You are a true romantic. You tend to idealize situations and put people on pedestals. You yearn for a romance that is perfect in every way, heaven on earth. Whether you find it or not, you have an honorable heart and you deserve only the best.

  4. Lol I've been gone for two days and now I'm over here reading this thread like  :agree2:  :cumming2:  :dance: .


    Lots of great points! I'm so excited for H o n e y m o o n! No lie I hate having to wait but I mean if it's to do it right then I will survive! 

    September isn't that far I will have to tap into my inner patience skills.  :legend:


    Some of the points that were hit I felt were very spot on. I also believe that this is an important album for Lana! It will be interesting to see how this goes. Promo is a necessity that we do need to get behind with this one! I mean of course us the F A N S are going to buy and support it with little to no promo but what about the general public. I mean I hate to say it but being successful is important to one's career. We want her to stick around! Don't get me wrong even though I'm a "ride or die" fan promo would be nice for me as well. I mean we like videos and interviews too! It builds on the album and the artists persona. This is important in holding people's attention. It does seem like they are trying to work on that a bit! I can see the differences already.


    As for the album and the direction, of course I'm going to buy it and probably love it no matter what. I do like that each album has been an evolution from the previous. Honestly that's what was so fresh and interesting about UV. I hope we keep that going. I liked the point @ made about the the fan base that has been rooting for 4 years, this is so true. Four years is a long time. We have changed and evolved ourselves just in life. It's called growing up. So we are wanting/ expecting something different. What was once important or cool to us has changed. I just want a progression forward and not a regression. I mean it is still fun to listen to her earlier stuff but as far as relating I like the UV stuff because it feels more mature. I'd like a mature theme or at least undercurrent to the album. I know she still has a lot of young fans too so that needs to be tapped into as well! I just hope that it's multifaceted in the aspect that it can speak to whomever! You can't make everybody happy though! 


    The mention of attitude is also spot on! Lana has been doing this for a while now, this isn't new. Let's see that confidence shine through! 


    Either way September needs to be here lol! I'm excited. I can't wait till the first single drops! :excited:  :excited:  :excited:

  5. I read that review earlier today, ehhhh! Honestly I understand what he is trying to say but don't agree with it completely. Why do they somehow have to work together or play off of one another. I don't find it necessary. Two separate acts that each have their own developed aesthetics and followings are like a two for one ticket to me.    :whatever2:

    Like me for example, I was D E F I N I T E L Y going for Lana! No questions! Courtney could have not performed and I wouldn't have cared. However my boyfriend was more excited about seeing Courtney! 




    You're right though, there was no need for an opening act lol!

  6. I don't mind Paradise all that much, I do quite enjoy it. However I do prefer UV! It's just something I connect with more on every level. Sound wise, lyrically, and just overall emotionally. It get's me! :cumming2:


    That being said I am excited for new music and I'm going to try and keep an open mind about it. I am a little apprehensive because I like(d) UV so much. I mean it was an amazing evolution. I just felt like it was a niche maybe she could have played with a little more, at least for me and my ears pleasure! I was really looking forward to it being expanded on.


    Bottom line new is new lol and I'm sure I'll love it either way. Change is good! I just hope that it is a continued progression forward and not necessarily backward! It needs to start dropping like Y E S T E R D A Y though! :dance:

  7. To you who said U l t r a v i o l e n c e slayed. . . . .  . . . . FUCK YES! :rock:


    I'll probably get some flack for this but I think it is probably the one that I prefer over the others.

    It just seems cohesive, mature, and just on point for real. Loved it, maybe that's cause I'm older.


    It was funny at the Dallas show we were sitting next to some young teens and they were talking about 

    how ULTRA was the worst album and it sucked blah blah blah, I was like excuse me DAFUQ children lol!

    It was so fresh, idk. As for the RIDE cover up there, don't fuck with the original. J U S T D O N ' T ! :pft:

  8. No specific order:


    Never Let Me Go*



    Summertime Sadness (Original)*


    Money Power Glory*

    Cruel World

    On Our Way

    Break My Fall

    Body Electric*

    National Anthem


    asterisks*: I'd say I'm super partial to those.


    Let me stop here though, lol!

    Before I write out a shit load more.


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