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Everything posted by reesedelrey

  1. reesedelrey

    Azealia Banks

    She's back on Twatter
  2. reesedelrey

    Azealia Banks

    "If you ain't with the shits, the get up off the toilet" "My bathroom like your bedroom" Azealia: Queen of the Restroom
  3. reesedelrey

    Azealia Banks

    You ripped them? Yaaasss
  4. reesedelrey

    Azealia Banks

    Someone rip it before it gets taken down Tumblr is blocked here
  5. reesedelrey

    Azealia Banks

    I like AB's part, but the song sounds like a song that would be played during the closing credits of a Disney movie which you barely pay attention to as you leave the theater... (Especially the "whoah-oh-oh-oh-oh" part)
  6. reesedelrey

    Azealia Banks

    I feel like I'll do it wrong and hex myself..
  7. reesedelrey

    Azealia Banks

    https://broadly.vice.com/en_us/video/azealia-banks-vice-interview New Interview
  8. reesedelrey

    Mariah Carey

    More than likely :/
  9. reesedelrey

    Mariah Carey

    I agree with most of this (except you shading the beautiful shade that is X-Girlfirend and Did I Do That? ) And I've really been paying Memoirs and Einstein dust until recently (because Ribbon killed it for me ), but the album really picks up emotionally once you get to the flawless jam that is The Impossible
  10. reesedelrey

    Mariah Carey

    The Impossible > The Impossible (The Reprise) > Angel (The Prelude) > AC > Languishing (The Interlude) > IWTKWLI This is a magical experience and Mimi's best album ending Petals > Rainbow (Interlude) > TGIFY ^^close second
  11. reesedelrey

    Azealia Banks

    Nope, Bin Laden's mistress confirmed tomorrow
  12. reesedelrey

    Azealia Banks

    Bin Laden's mistress said it was coming, so it's coming
  13. reesedelrey

    Azealia Banks

    When did we learn this??
  14. reesedelrey

    Azealia Banks

    will Azealia finally deliver on a release date, or will this be another delayed release added to every other date she's ever given?
  15. reesedelrey

    Azealia Banks

    because AB is always pushing the boundaries of her pettiness and I could see her doing some dumb shit like this Regardless, this whole thing is just a scenario I thought of and was glad Azealia deleted her account before she went and gained more hate from the GP
  16. reesedelrey

    Azealia Banks

    She likes Rihana too and we know how that ended She would do this and you all know it
  17. reesedelrey

    Azealia Banks

    I'm glad AB deleted her Twitter before she went on a rant about how she was also a prisoner of her record label and that people only care about Kesha because she is white :poordat:
  18. reesedelrey

    Mariah Carey

    I love him I love him I love him I love him
  19. reesedelrey

    Azealia Banks

    Slay-Z cover shoot done today https://instagram.com/p/BC55tePn1Wl/ https://instagram.com/p/BC556XXn1XD/
  20. reesedelrey

    Azealia Banks

    pls pull through az
  21. reesedelrey

    Azealia Banks

    13 days til the supposed release of Slay-Z
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