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Everything posted by reesedelrey

  1. reesedelrey

    Charli XCX

    sad that Charli's best vocal performance is on a LQ demo
  2. MR was sent to French radios instead of A-YO
  3. reesedelrey

    Charli XCX

    don't blame the good sis for speaking truth
  4. the high falses in the BG STILL scalp me
  5. reesedelrey

    Melanie Martinez

    she sounded great at music midtown. I was there
  6. reesedelrey

    Charli XCX

    I like it. And Lil Yachty adds to the song (surprisingly).
  7. reesedelrey

    Melanie Martinez

    it's not for adults, it's for suicidal potato head babies...... duh
  8. how long does gags pause after her performances??
  9. reesedelrey


    same. :/it kinda gives me a huntymün tea with me appreciating the music, but the lack of replay value makes me not listen to it Diety >>>>>>>>>>>>> The Mediocrity
  10. Just read about Joanne's tragic death, and it made "Joanne" (the song) so much more emotional :'(
  11. reesedelrey

    Azealia Banks

    can someone give me the run down of what's happening with her right now? i know she's filed a police report against russell for assault, but what's happening with rza, her career, etc.?
  12. reesedelrey

    where is the MØ that made the Nordic-infused dark masterpieces that are Waste of Time & Fire Rides??........... i miss ha
  13. reesedelrey

    Melanie Martinez

    teddy bear should've replaced mad hatter on the standard
  14. reesedelrey

    Melanie Martinez

    except when we got evacuated 15 min after it ended
  15. reesedelrey

    Melanie Martinez

    I liked her look as well
  16. reesedelrey

    Melanie Martinez

    Seeing Soap live and in the rain at Music Midtown.....it was the best thing i've ever experienced
  17. it's still summer for 3 more days technically
  18. Was watching this performance and realized it turns TWO today!!!! Iconic.
  19. reesedelrey

    Britney Spears

    honestly i like the cover now that i've heard the album; its kind of ethereal just like the music
  20. reesedelrey

    Britney Spears

    the agility in the oops run though
  21. reesedelrey


    rip baby girl :'(
  22. reesedelrey

    Britney Spears

    nice review although that Mariah shade was unnecessary
  23. reesedelrey

    Britney Spears

    I kept trying to tell myself to expect another BJ, but I kept hoping it was going to slay... It did
  24. reesedelrey

    Britney Spears

    Man On the Moon is like Alien's little sister who was cured of her Down syndrome and is now really hot
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