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Everything posted by TRENCH

  1. very ridiculous, if I was a lawyer I would take this to court. "#1" country on the planet can't count 1000 pieces of paper like come on now
  2. explorer? nah probably netscape ==== the way this gave me whiplash
  3. the pleasure this gives me she's Floridas Attorney General who flip flopped her stance on gays a day after the Pulse shooting and tends to do nothing but lie and have fundraising corruption and now just went on FOX to say that there was voter corruption with no proof. can't stand her
  4. so I just learned that this is Pennsylvania's first real time in handling mail ballots and they imposed laws to count them after elections. pretty sure their state legislation will have to come back next year and re-work those laws
  5. biden is going up in mail in votes in Pennsylvania but still too close to call
  6. Puerto Rico also had election on Tuesday and they're having the same problems with the Governor votes and the mayor of San Juan position and the double stress I'm having is sending me
  7. it takes 5 minutes to upload a pdf file of a tax return. I know he paid way more than that but he is discrediting himself by not doing so. If he is able to go on and on about Hillary emails and Obama birth certificate so can we with his taxes I'm not stupid.
  8. i am hopeful that either a good lawyer puts charges against him for all the clown sh*t he committed during his presidency, or the IRS charges him for the lack of paying taxes, which is most likely why he has never shown his taxes even after 4 years. [for those who dont know the IRS are the most blood thirsty service in the government, they honestly track down people better than the CIA or FBI, if you dont pay your taxes]
  9. nah you were right it was a 10 sharp and it seems like they changed it again last minute... lord i cant believe Florida and its system flew faster in counting votes than these other states lmaoooooo
  10. we usually know the majority of votes by 12 or 1am, this year is just another level and because so many people voted by mail
  11. trump will win this way. so lets not manifest this
  12. SOO yesterday I woke up at 4:30am, got down to the polling location i would be working at with my boyfriend and his grandma (whos the Poll director of the place) at a elementary school in a rather half white half Hispanic mostly democrat precinct. 70% of people had done early voting in that area so my day as the ID scanner/check in person was rather not bad. The only "rush" we got was at 7:30am, 11:30am and around 5pm when we had like 10 people at a time in line LMAO. the other people I worked with have worked most of the last elections so they are experienced, and they said it was rather busy even tough we had a lot of times we had no one in line. Most of the people I gave ballots to were no party affiliation or democrat. Some people could not vote due to them registering past the date that they were supposed to for this election or others leaving everything last minute. other than that there was no drama and i am exhausted I didn't want to check my phone at all so i didn't know who was leading until 9pm when we were driving to a community center to turn in all of the poll station materials and thats when i started to cry cz im so tired of so many things and the constant "too closed to call" had me stressed out. fell asleep at 11pm
  13. If Congress doesn’t get its shit together with passing money aid to people we will likely see a House Bubble burst and Recession 2.0 will occur. We haven’t seen a majority of people being kicked out of homes because there are still a few states that have cancelled evictions but most of the holds expire in December/January and we could see a huge eviction wave soon
  14. wrong website. here is a link to redirect you https://4chan.org
  15. quick, delete this before a trumpeter says this is fake news by MSNBC
  16. all of my family is technically liberal {half of my family lives in Puerto Rico so the politics are bit different but socially I would say they are moderate liberals} my dad calls himself a "republican" but he's technically libertarian, and he voted for Obama in 2008 and Biden this year [he filled his mail ballot at the dinner table next to me so we are good xo]. my BF's family {they're african-american} is also democrat but his dad is a die hard Bernie Stan and thank you Jesus my bf was able to convince his dad to vote a few days ago bc he wasn't going to vote at all. And he voted for Biden. I tell people that even if you don't like the presidential runners, at least vote for the local candidates and amendments, those local people and issues impact you twice more than whoever sits on the Oval Office I would just own it, if its a open secret. as long as your family does not become disrespectful to you, you shouldn't have to cower from them but thats just me talking, im not sure if you owning up to your views can become difficult to the point of ur family disowning you violently; self care first
  17. ding ding ding, no matter how many liberals from the New England/New York and Chicago area have moved to Florida the old white boomers rule the elections, thats why we get stuck with people such as Lazy Marco Rubio or skeleton Rick Scott ----- also Biden has been breaking a lot of poll records, the double that Hillary got in 2016. yes the race is close but the chances of Biden winning are more realistic than those of Hillary...now that was true delusion
  18. the libertarian party did shit to attract voters for this election. Im surprised people are actually voting for JoJo. what the 2016 election did was made republicans flock to a party that is pro abortion, open borders and pro-LGBT rights and then complain as to why the libertarian party is pro in these issues... did they not read the About Us page or something? I was so high and proud of voting libertarian in 2016 and all of y'all in here gave me shit for it lmao. It is truly unfortunate that my decision for voting for someone else indirectly helps elect trump. I voted democrat all the way down this year, I have to play with the crumbs given to me. ill play around with 3rd parties in 2022 or later if y'all really want third parties to rule y'all need to vote for the local runners not outright vote for presidential runners. be strategic
  19. I thought we all knew as a collective that we are planting Biden just to get rid of the orange clown and have a restart in the 2024 elections
  20. TRENCH

    Dua Lipa

    I have a feeling the ultra deluxe version we are expecting with full new music is coming early next year. maybe once she is able to tour the alum
  21. I was expecting Texas to go purple like in the 2040s not next week lmfaoooooooo
  22. TRENCH

    Ariana Grande

    She’s literally incoherent in this song it’s like laughable. It’s not you don’t worry
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