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Everything posted by Dominikx4

  1. whew 13 Beaches' intro is truly a highlight of the album. Dan Heath did that!
  2. Can Sean please produce Lana's next album thanksbye
  3. the GBA chorus is iconic in itself it's a bop, not a ballad. It's pretty unique imo
  4. remember when some ppl thought a snippet of this song is a new Gaga moment? Heroin's chorus kinda sounds like this song imo, I immediately had to think of it Ranking: 1.) Get Free 2.) Change 3.) God Bless America 4.) 13 Beaches 5.) Lust for Life 6.) Groupie Love 7.) Cherry 8.) Love 9.) Summer Bummer 10.) Tomorrow Never Came 11.) Heroin 12.) When The World Was At War 13.) In My Feelings 14.) White Mustang 15.) Beautiful People 16.) Coachella NOT MY MOST ANTICIPATED COLLAB BEING THE 2ND WORST SONG ON THE ALBUM AAAAAAAAAH
  5. Yk its a nice album but the trap beats and muffled vocals are not the tea The second half >>>>>> first half except xor 13 Beaches
  6. Oh my God The 1-2-3 punch of Heroin, Change anf Get Free Get Free is my new fave song. The lizzy vocals
  7. Wow GBA gave me downright chills. A true feminist anthem
  8. Currently listening to this view, I'm at Summer Bummer and wow I am slayed already. 13B is bae the swearing in Cherry is a kii and a half but I live for it
  9. and Lana is pissed oh my God the tweets At least she is angry and not sad I guess?
  10. I WOKE UP AND LFL LEAKED WHAT IS HAPPENING going to shower now and then I'll drive to my favorite spot to listen to it
  11. HiL doesnt leak themselves, they only want attention
  12. I guess they really trolled us, didn't they? They said it was leaking, but it wasn't Lanaboards shattered, ATRL meltdowned Twitter was set on fire but we were wooden
  13. if LFL tells us to keep the expectations low, then I can't wait for the ultimate masterpieces on the rest of the album!
  14. Lana shouldve put Coachella at the end of the record so everyone who listened to all the 15 tracks would be like "whew what a great album" and then it starts playing and ruins everything
  15. ^ although the first half is gonna be hard because we know nearly every song already minus 13 Beaches and IMF
  16. imagine having so much time on your hands to re-name 16 tracks including the metadata of the files
  17. these are literally the worst people. dont. yeah, you should definitely create an account now
  18. yes, she went to the crowd for both SXSW and KROQ. I don't think she did for the BBC set, but that might be because the schedule was tight and she was being livestreamed.
  19. i'd be very surprised if she didnt, she has done this since i can remember. @ the Paradise tour, it was right at the beginning during Cola, but she still went down to the crowd and she also did during the EST and the festivals last year. I really hope she does, I want to get my LFL CD signed this Sunday
  20. BPBP lyrics are "Beautiful people have beautiful problems", too, and he got it wrong. I can't believe there are people falling for this
  21. girl, you should at least type the name correctly, its IOSTFORIOVE, with two Is. No Ls. https://twitter.com/IostforIove
  22. if anyone needs a pre-sale code, i have a spare one
  23. at least he's trying, but the BPBP are wrong already so
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