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Everything posted by Dominikx4

  1. I only recorded Love and WM. I found that we already had so many Cherry recordings so I didn't record
  2. That's my video so ya better subscribe
  3. Body Electric https://twitter.com/13_Beaches/status/889251721222000641 Pretty When You Cry https://twitter.com/13_Beaches/status/889251873940803585
  4. So Anne and me werent frontrow, but it was great anyway. I am really gonna miss Lolla! Big shoutout to @annedauphine @Amadeus and all the other amazing guys we've met at the festival! I literally cannot imagine going to a Lana show anymore without the two amazing ladies from Norway for example - and now I am extremly hyped for the Oya Festival in August
  5. As of now, no new merch. The staff said that they maybe get the Lana merch tomorrow tho
  6. Looks like we're getting a livestream! Here: http://m.culturebox.francetvinfo.fr Or here: https://www.lollaparis.com
  7. Haven't seen a thread for this yet! Performing tomorrow at 20:30. Me and @annedauphine just checked out the stage and we haven't seen stairs and it's quite high, so Lana probably won't come down. Nvm
  8. Listening to TNC atm and it's one of the most beautiful choruses Lana has ever written
  9. In her insta story. She only sang like 2 lines tho, the ones she said i an interview once
  10. Im surprised at the good reviews so far. 2 x 80 and 1 x 70. I expected 60s and 70s I'll still expect a 40 from Slant tho
  11. So... LFL is released, which means Lana is going to end the era tonight. Can't wait to see you all in the LDR6 pre-release thread!
  12. Dominikx4

    Get Free

    Mtw I wonder how I managed to survive the last 19 years w/o it
  13. Looks like it's Universal that didn't deliver the copies on time in DACH I hope the Fnac stores are stillopen when I arrive in Paris
  14. Wow so I had to leave my house and the mail didnt come yet, so no LFL either. No problem, I thought and I went to the two music stored in my city and neither had LFL and neither knew there was an album coming Fml
  15. Dominikx4

    Get Free

    I hear "for ... and for ...". The dots are cut
  16. Idk, maybe the label, but there's wrong lyrics in the booklets of BtD, Paradise and UV so that's not the best source I hear "crowding" btw, but i didnt figure it out yet what she means
  17. The lyrics on AM are trash, they also said it's "You love money, Groupie Love"
  18. Is it just me or does Coachella sound better on the album? It sounds remastered And OH MY GOD THE BACKING VOCALS IN GET FREE They were non-existant in the 128 kbps leak but now wow I am slayed
  19. 8 minutes till its midnight in continental Europe And I just noticed that the "yaaay" in Get Free sounds like she was dubbing a cartoon
  20. well the album is out so everyone's busy with listening and a ton of ppl got mod-queued for asking/posting links of the leak
  21. BPBP is growing on me, mainly thanks to the beautiful verses. The chorus is still not as good as I hoped for
  22. I pray for you Zanella - you and that disgusting ranking of yours. God bless
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