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Everything posted by Dominikx4

  1. nvm its US exclusive i was on the wrong shop
  2. slay me boxset with the ugly coachella pic
  3. FML the songs were available ot buy on my NZ iTunes but I dont have a NZ credit card so I cant buy them and hteyre not yet on the Swiss store fml
  4. https://itunes.apple.com/gb/album/lust-for-life/id1255937240
  5. to keep it nice and clean and we know where to look for specific information but some people on here apparently can not understand this and then even go off topic 24/7 anyway It's extremely annoying because I always have to read through this mess thread which turns off-topic every 10 pages anyway if I am looking for some news
  6. i remember ppl saying we're getting a late deluxe version for Honeymoon weeks after its release
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