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Everything posted by Dominikx4

  1. can we ban everyone who uses moonxxshowers as a source thank you just as annoying and a fraud as china.palace
  2. No its not 13 Beaches. She announced it as Cherry before she performed it
  3. Im so tired i hope Lana is on time so I can go to bed soon
  4. https://twitter.com/LanaDReyCrew/status/865976023329931264
  5. My local record store did tell me that the album will come out in July at the earliest. They said Universal confirmed it to them several times. All these magazines publishing May 26th could simply be cuz they saw the date everywhere and thought it is legit. And tell me, when has Lana done something wise promo-related? Hanging up posters for Love more than one month in advance of the original release date, not releasing the LFL video for a month, randomly releasing Coachella in-between some album singles although it is not on the record are just some examples. Paris Match is also the only magazine so far which had a printed article publishing the release date. Rolling Stone f.e. was only an online article. I still don't believe it's coming this month. If so, I will be happy, but I won't be disappointed either if its release is nto the 26th. You all are setting yourselevs up for a meltdown in the worst case. The only way I can see why we have this release date mess is that she's releasing the digital version first to avoid leaks - but still, releasing physical copies 2 months later is very weird
  6. I hope theyre serious But knowing Lana she'll be the only one that doesn't get a stream
  7. I want another Love MV soon where it meant "in a few minutes"
  8. Album comes in July, I asked cede.ch Translation of the mail: "Thank you for your mail. The album is coming July at the earliest. Universal just confirmed this to us once again. Any other date is a rumor."
  9. I am really hyped for 13 Beached, i changed my Twitter @ to it
  10. Sheesh, that was an album released 5 years ago. Lana is not a major pop artist in 2017, she hasnt been since 2013
  11. Where are all the Little 26th-Maysters who insulted everyone who doubted the date now?
  12. Theyre getting pressed about 1 week prior to the release. Ig dhe's surprise releasing, she maybe waits untiö 2nf or 3rd week w/ physical copies so nothing leaks tho
  13. noone is denying it, we say were still not sure about it.
  14. more views = more streams = higher chart position
  15. The meltdowns when we get nothing tomorrow will be very entertaining to witness
  16. Tbh i cant believe the album is out tomorrow I think it's poorly written
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