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Everything posted by Dominikx4

  1. well, according to BOZ this ~announcement~ or whatever it is was unplanned and Lana doing Lana tingz so i imagine Ben aint too happy about it
  2. i just woke up and WOWWWW i love the cover and the snippet sounds sososoo gorgeous im soo excited
  3. mike on ig live "dont ask me about any album" lmao hes over the stans
  4. yea im sorry but if you handle this situation w/o having a meltdown or going for personal insults and attacks on lana/her collaborators you are, in fact, superior
  5. instantly reminded me of @depopdrama on IG w/ all the passive-aggressive "x x"s
  6. Get Free is the only one i can relate to i think? its so strange because Lana is my all time, absolute favorite singer but i dont really relate to any song of hers entirely except GF out of the black, into the blue really captures my life from 2017-2018 when i was finally able to leave all the darkness behind and got happy. i also finished school and started working at the time and ended my first relationship, so Get Free is pretty symbolic of that time but theres a whole lot of songs i associate with certain events of my life like holidays etc
  7. yikes, are you like 12 being a rude, mean person is not as edgy as you think it is
  8. iirc he said that after both LMLYLAW and Summertime
  9. friendly reminder ms Ben said we'll have new music by the end of 2020 (this never happened)
  10. Boss: "Next week is the deadline of your project, will you be able to finish it by then?" Me: "Still working on my beautiful project :)" Boss: "So... will you have it done?" Me: "There is a project coming :)"
  11. at this point idk wtf is going on she had a complete album but scrapped most of it now shes got a new, complete album but is still adding tracks now mike says hell add at least 1 more are we gonna get another 17+track album or whats going on also i love how ben wasnt able to answer the question
  12. the way i know youll be back in 3 days the dramatics chile
  13. no, i didnt get anything extra besides the card
  14. did anyone else who ordered @ LDR village get this postcard? i know @Elle obvs got one (its her pic after all) in her promo package & @Distantly also got one cuz i just got part of my order and i also have one? but the first order i received didnt have one of those cards so like, whats the deal? are they rare? or did they just send them out randomly?
  15. "you took the short road" also i doubt hes talking about the album... its lana that needs to hurry up, not the album? lmao
  16. this is giving me flashbacks to the 5th of september "shes gonna surprise drop it tonight" "shes not gonna drop it midnight local time, wait until 9am LA time" "maybe noon LA" "its not yet the 6th in LA, she's still got 30 more minutes to release it!!!"
  17. same, i actually got my pins but the rest of my order has still not shipped ive sent them a strongly worded e-mail yesterday, i dont believe for a second that their fulfilment team doesnt respond to them for weeks i mean, why not just tell us that some stuff is delayed? idgi has anyone ever received clothing from the 2nd drop? like the lana speaks shirts? ive never seen anyone post a picture of those online, only the accessories
  18. some of yall need to go outside and get another hobby thats not lana del rey
  19. what if lana is starting to punish us for all the leaks and LDR8 is just the 3 singles + 12 already leaked songs
  20. yea thats not working anymore since october, it hasnt worked for evermore either. i honestly cant see lana releasing w/o a vinyl, i doubt its coming next week
  21. Dominikx4

    Rina Sawayama

    can smn leak that song she teased in the making of sawayama already
  22. BOZ said we "might" avoid the delay after all, whatever that means
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