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Everything posted by Dominikx4

  1. hmmm might be the glass thats delayed, then, cuz i ordered that one too this is so annoying, can they get their shit together pls im glad youre getting a replacement box tho cuz Elle mailed them about the same problem and they didnt respond for weeks
  2. yea, ive mailed them abouz it and they said they would look into it but that was last week and i still havent heard anything my pins actually did get dispatched today tjo, so i guess they got a bit too excited and created the shipping label although some stuff isnt ready to ship yet what did you order?
  3. ngl its kinda disappointing how its only 36 minutes... 2 mins longer than The Fame Monster like, why did she cut 2 songs that seem to be good? what was the reason
  4. drinking game take a shot every time marina says witch and bitch
  5. new confederate states of america is so good omg it slaps so hard
  6. leak pink convertible instead of the alboom challenge
  7. u know my bird app handle
  8. ikr she looks so.... stiff
  9. entering this thread and hoping yall are over the june 1st date like
  10. the way they sent me a shipping confirmation for my 2nd order 10 days ago but they still havent handed the package over to USPS... can they finally do it i want my pink stars&moon hoodie
  11. i just got my sun hat and its ridiculously huge... i feel so fabulous wearing it like im Lisa Vanderpump or sumn
  12. this is so weird i bought one anyway, just in case its a new, different version
  13. lana doesnt know the difference between con and chemtrails is the easiest conclusion
  14. yea, its probably got to do with NZ. mail comes w/ regular passenger flights for the most part, and those are almost non-existant atm a norwegian friend of mine only received her cocc stuff 1.5 weeks ago, so im sure itll show up eventually! but id still contact the store about it, theyll refund you
  15. oh yea so its prolly the fake Birds of Prey snippet that is just playing dangerous stems
  16. doing the lord's work also isnt the person who runs LDRAddic on LB.... Im not gonna name names but the supposed owner is on my block list
  17. i think it makes it more personal and intimate, but i get why some might find it annoying but shes only really namedropped her friends in 2 songs, so i dont see the problem... yet
  18. are y'all really pretending Purge The Poison and Man's World are anywhere close to anything Lana has ever put out Lanzis worst songs are still better than these 2 sorry ass singles and those are facts Marina better come thru with the rest of the album and it better be in the same vein as the title track
  19. idg the hate for the namedropping is it because gays cant use random lines from the songs for their newest post on Instagram anymore orrrr
  20. yall wanted lana to finally be in the driver's seat so bad after BTD, UV & HM and this is what you get, its all your fault
  21. Dominikx4

    Text Book

    idk, shes not really calling herself a "black narcissist", its more that she's personifying her depression as a separate entity that is not really her referring to herself in the 3rd person on TB is kinda weird ngl
  22. i feel like chemtrails is going the Honeymoon route ngl i remember everyone HATING Honeymoon when she first released it... like, noone liked the title track when she dropped it randomly during the summer, everyone said HBTB sucked as a lead compared to WC & everyone shat on the album once it was released fast forward a few years and HM is seen as one of Lana's finest works COCC is getting better and better with each listen, and idk how to describe it, but the album is just so hopeful for me? listening to Dance Till We Die, Not All Who Wander Are Lost, Wild At Heart or For Free is soo uplifting imo. love love love it
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