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Posts posted by Monicker

  1. By the way, lest my first post gets misunderstood, i was including myself in that--i don’t know shit about the Illuminati. My point was that, being that it is a rich culture and huge area of study that spans centuries, covering religion, government and politics, social class, war, history, etc. i sincerely doubt anyone here truly knows much about the actual Illuminati--not "the Illuminati" as it’s understood today in popular culture/conspiracy theorist circles--to "speculate" on anything about it.  


    This thread just screams of trolling to me and there’s been an overwhelming amount of this shit around here lately. I’m sure i’m not the only one who’s tired of it. 

  2. LOL how would you know?


    Edit: oh god that read a bit rude, what i meant is how would you know that no one knows about the Illuminati, i am more than happy to have an in depth discussion about them and many other organisations with you. 


    You’re right, i spoke too soon. I should have known that Lana Del Rey fans who, like, once watched a video on YouTube about Rihanna with the word Illuminati in the title, or heard something about something from someone who knows someone, would be well informed on various secret 16th Century Bavarian organizations. 


    Hey, maybe litewave will come into this thread and shut me up with the ultimate analysis of Lana Del Rey, which ties her to a rich lineage of Bavarian esotericists.  :D


    Lots of Masons were Catholics, by the way. A lot of that stuff was just white men getting together to drink and be assholes. 

  3. But...isn't it all about what baby wants? Like, when baby wants McDonald's, baby should get McDonald's. And when baby wants Lizzi del Ray to do something, Lizzi should do what baby wants. Is this not the case? I am so such confusedest. Whare am i? You are making the walls of my reality tunnel come crumbling down. 

  4. Welcome to The Golden Girls Boards.


    :party: :noparty: :blanche: :blanche2: :blanche3: :blanche4: :blanche5: :blanche6: :blanche7: :dorothy: :dorothy2: :dorothy3: :dorothy4: :dorothy5: :tyvm:


    Wow, there probably is one. I mean, there has to be, right? Let's go join. And we'll recruit people over there to come over here. CROSS-GENERATIONAL CROSS-POLLINATION.

  5. I really hate that hardcore Lana fans consider Sirens real and more than that they consider it an album...


    What is it, a simulacrum of the ninth dimension?


    Maybe the hardcore fans thinking that it's real and that it's an album is part of that whole cult thing that ataraxia is always talking about .

  6. Can you imagine a Burning Desire video? I see a video about her visiting her lover in Prison, maybe helping him to escape...would be amazing I love that song


    Even though i don't care at all for Burning Desire, i would totally get behind an LDR jailbreak video. That would be amazing. 


    because as we already know her company has reservations on releasing "Cola". So if there's no way radio will play "Cola", they'll send "Dark Paradise" to US radio stations.


    1. I think what she meant in that interview is that the label (and even her team of writers/producers) felt weird about her simply recording the song. I don't think she was referring to its release as a single. She also mentioned that once she started working on the song, people changed their minds about it. And at this point it's very clear now that the song has "hit potential." 


    2. US radio doesn't play her music anyway, regardless of explicit language. 

  7. i've worked in studios with less equipment than that and the recording came out amazing....however i don't think it could be to Paradise or BTD standard..I think possibly she's recording ideas for a moving and the sending them off to the movie makers..i'm not gonna read to much into it tho  :eek:


    I'm not necessarily talking about the amount of equipment but the equipment itself (like, what are those little $100 shitty premaps even doing there?) and the fact that they're going into a Macbook, unless there's a board sitting right where the pictures are taken from, but i don't think so because look where the engineer's chair is set up and where the monitors are positioned (although that part makes no sense to me). But even more importantly is the room itself. Everything about this just looks like a little "project studio." It's definitely not a room for tracking--you obviously don't track in a room with shit hanging on the walls, gaudy lamps, and a big leather couch, haa. And look at those workstation keyboards, those seem to me like typical home/project kind of gear. 


    I don't know that i'd call anything on BTD and Paradise amazing sounding from an engineering standpoint  :eek: High fidelity and completely adequate for a big, major release, yes. But very by the book, lacking character kind of recordings. 


    But i think you're right that they're recording ideas/sketches for some other, bigger project, perhaps, as you suggested, demoing something for those films she's mentioned. 


    They are for sure recording though, it's not just a mock promo set-up. 

  8. I need to tell you guys something. I think i often will things into being. Two days ago i was thinking how frustrating it is that given how many pictures exist of Lana, there are never any of her recording, and how i much i wish that there were. And now here we are. This has happened with a bunch of other things before too. So...i’m now taking requests to will something else into being. 


    Based on the room itself, the equipment, and the set-up, i'd say this is just a project studio and that she’s probably just recording some demo stuff (i pray this is not what a real session for a major label artist looks like these days), despite the fact that she’s singing into a $5,000 mic, ha. 


    Also, remember when i made a joke that she probably doesn't use headphones when recording vocals? I guess it’s true! I fully endorse the headphones pictured hanging on that mic stand though, as i'm wearing those right now  ;)  





    Or the racecar Trans-Am?


    Or a collaboration with the band Trans Am  :D

  9. Shall we invite Pat over to this thread for some insight? I bet she'd love to comment. Pull up a chair, Pat, please. 


    I bet Rob & Chuck regularly rock the fuck out on 4 hand piano, tearing up the living room and setting it on fire, while Lana is off in a corner being all doom & gloom and giving Momma Grant headache after headache in typical oldest child fashion. Lil brat Lizzy. NO WONDER U WERE SENT 2 BOARDING SKOOL

  10. The problem (or fun part) of Lana being acapella recording these is that she has no progression to stick to, so I had to really try and formulate a chord progression.


    You did well, i don't think what you wrote really follows any "implied harmony" in what she's doing, which makes this sound more interesting. 


    The main problem with Motel 6 is that the verses are in C# minor, but the chorus is in C minor. 


    She builds up to this huge C# minor chorus and then just drops a halfstep, and that just doesn't sound right to me.


    Nothing wrong with that, sounds awesome to me! Modulating a half step is a Beach Boys classic. I, of course, would love to think that this seeped into Lizzy’s consciousness through listening to them, but, uh, maybe her pitch just unintentionally wandered down a half step because she wasn’t singing to anything.  :blush:


    You didn’t answer though--what are the chords? GIVE US THE CHORDS OF YOUR OWN CREATION, LANABOARDS CHORD MAN! 

  11. I don't believe that you think this is terrible. You know it's not. There are some really interesting voicings and the progression really adds a lot to the melody, it's not predictable or generic at all, and it moves very nicely. The "it's a party" change is really great, i like how the tension is resolved there. Very nice.   


    What are the chords? Is there a minor 9th in there?? 

  12. wow ...how hypocrite for real...if I was her I would by 10 war bonnets and wear them all over LA like a crazy person. Seriously sometimes the US media is just tirying and so boring....


    You might be surprised to know then that the US media really doesn't give a shit about issues like a white person wearing a Native war bonnet. 

  13. It IS the second demo...with some added beats and a few filters...


    It's not. There are considerable differences. When people first started talking about hearing it on the radio a few days ago, my suspicion was that, like the Summertime Sadness radio mix, it would be based on the demo with a few changes (a reworking of it, not a rerecording). But i think this is actually a different recording altogether, though it's hard to tell because the quality is so low. 

  14. Second Arrest in Lana del Ray Fan Community  


    (Associated Press) -- A user on an internet forum dedicated to pop sensation Lana del Ray has been arrested for bootlegging concerts. The user, who goes by the alias "Evil Entity" [sic], was reported to have uploaded a post to the forum, detailing his elaborate plan to start up a bootleg business of del Ray's concerts, encouraging other forum members to join his enterprise. The arrest marks the second within the singer's nascent fan community, coming just months after the FBI's involvement in putting an end to another fan's hacking of the personal computers of both del Ray and another popular, female vocalist. At this moment nothing is known about the user "Evil Entity" aside from being very, very old and heterosexual--a rarity amongst the singer's primarily young, homosexual fanbase. The web forum, www.LanasBored.com, despite often being erroneously indexed as a pornography website, is a place where fans from all over the world have been known to gather to dissect the controversial singer's enigmatic past. The 25 year old del Ray is currently preparing her next single, the explicit track, Coca Cola, from her latest release Born to Die in Paradise

  15. after reading the whole thingy about the songs about her relationships etc and actually listening to the words of the album.. i see what you mean.


    Lanalysis? I haven't even read that  :P  It's a lot simpler than that--what i meant was that everything else she's done (all the unreleased produced tracks, AKA, BTD, Paradise) carries the influence of other writers and producers, so what we're hearing has undoubtedly been, to a certain extent, filtered through and shaped by other people--it is the result of a collaboration. Sirens is simply her with an acoustic guitar, no production and, presumably, no co-writers, written and recorded at a time when she was creating with significantly less eyes and expectations on her; she, for all intents and purposes, didn't really have an audience, so it's more akin to creating in a vacuum. The a cappella demos, i would say, fit this description even more so because it's her at home on her computer, using nothing but her voice, being not only responsible for every single note of music and the way it's arranged, but also entirely dictating the direction of the recording, consulting no one, absent of anyone else's input (okay, maybe she asked Mike, "Hey, what do you think of this? :D ) and recording it not with the intention of showcasing it publicly. 


    Lyrically, i don't see why any one project would be any more or less her than any of her other projects. 

  16. So the (4:00) version of DIC, where she sings low all the way through, was the final version -- therefore more likely to have been put on the official sampler?


    That's how i've always heard it labeled. It seems accurate for two reasons: Her singing on the 4:00 one is in the style that she's been moving toward since BTD (generally singing in a lower register and in a more, i don't know, "somber" and "sultry" manner), and the pre-chorus ("I wear my red lipstick...") in the 4:00 one is chopped in half--likely to be an edit from the longer, preceding version.  

  17. So does the producer info tell us for sure which versions of these songs were on the sampler? Specifically for these three:


    Driving in Cars with Boys - is this the (4:00) version where she sings low the whole time?


    They're both the same, she only rerecorded her vocals. Same exact backing track. Supposedly the rerecorded vocals are the ones she sings low the whole way through, but, you know, that's probably hearsay. 



    Diet Mountain Dew -  is this the (3:39) version with the pre-chorus some of us call "demo 3"?


    I thought we were all calling the pre-chorus one "demo 2"? And demo 3 is the really minimalist one (which i really doubt was the one that was on the sampler--that was probably, in actuality, the first demo recorded). 


    Is "Little Carmen" the same as the acapella "demo" for Carmen?



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