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Posts posted by Monicker

  1. Wait, is this thread only about one of her breasts? Surprised evil hasn’t come in here yet with some dirty old man hashtags. Ya’ll need to get out more into the real world if you think Lana’s breasts are that tiny. They’re “small” but not exceptionally so. Small breasts rule though. Itty Bitty Titty Committee Appreciation charter member right here, folks :creep: Anything bigger than a B is too big for my, uhm...taste. 


    I'm gonna go now. 

  2. I am rather skeptical when it comes to those supercardioid microphones... especially with Lana's voice. The effect isn't that prominent on this particular recording, but I think many tracks on Paradise have this rather sharp quality to their vocal tracks. I can't say which microphone they used, but it certainly was supercardioid+, one which leaves a lot of vocal sounds unrecorded. Maybe that's just my personal feeling, but I think her voice is lacking dynamics on Paradise. So, in my opinion she should stay away from supercardioid microphones. It doesn't do her voice any favors. 


    SM57s/58s (they're the same mic in reality with a different grille) are cardioid not super. 


    But i was talking solely about video aesthetics--she's in what looks like a dimly lit bar or practice space with equipment seen in the background, wearing a flannel shirt. The mic is very appropriate. 


    I would bet a bajillion dollars that she's never actually cut vocals using an SM57 (at least not since BTD). With these kinds of productions like BTD, the mic is the strongest link, not the weakest, so i'm not concerned at all with what mic they're using on her vocals. I've only ever seen her recording with one of those Manley Gold mics, which are like $5,000-$7,000, in those photos that came out a couple of months ago in that little project studio with Rick Nowles (?) Pickup pattern is honestly probably the very least of my concerns (the mics that she would be using in the studio, like the aforementioned Manley, will have variable pickup patterns anyway, so any of those mics can go from hypercardioid, cardioid, figure 8, omni, etc. literally with one switch). I am most concerned with the preamaps that these engineers/producers are going into, but especially all these "in the box" effects and plug-ins. Like, whatever reverb plug-ins have been used on her vocals since BTD stink. The worst offender so far is the reverb on the new Yayo. Not because it's a very big sounding reverb but just because it's an overly bright, shitty, cheap sounding plug-in. Million Dollar Man is another terrible use of cheap reverb plug-ins. I'd love to hear her vocals coming from a real, well-built echo chamber. 


    *Interesting side note: I remember back when Homogenic came out, Bjork mentioned once in an interview how she intentionally chose to use an SM58 on her studio vocals because she liked its plain quality and the fact that it was an easy microphone to hold in her hand (!) I saw footage around this time of her in the studio recording vocals, and she was indeed holding the mic, and it was indeed an SM58. Whatever works for you, right? 

  3. where's salmon?


    Swimming up the river? 






    Hey! Alright. Cool. Wanna hear another one? 























































  4. The beginning of the video slightly irritated me at first. I didn't really recognize the microphone as such and thought she would be taking a sip from her beer. :toofunny:


    Ha! My very first thought when i started watching the video was that i was glad to see she was using a beat up, taped up SM57 (probably the most common low end microphone of the last 30 years) rather than resorting to the cliched, gimmicky 55S, which is just such a tired visual device at this point. It's nice to see they went for something understated, real, mundane. It's such a tiny detail, but i don't know, it's refreshing that a Lana Del Rey video doesn't always have to be tapping into that silly "vintage" trope (i say as i ignore the fact that the entire video has an Instagram-like filter applied to it).

  5. Admit it, you're Gordo, aren't you.


    what kind of miracle would this even 


    I'm really neurotic and have a lot of irrational fears and paranoia. One of these is that every time i am in a store i always think that everyone in the store is convinced that i'm stealing stuff. It doesn't matter what my mood is, or what the store is, or how i'm dressed, etc. Nothing affects it, i just always fear that people are thinking this. I once stole a pack of guitar strings when i was like 14 and that's the only time i've ever stolen, so the fear isn't based on past behavior. Similar to this, every time a new troll account crops up, i have the same irrational fear, that everyone is thinking i'm behind the troll account. It makes me nervous. I can't ever quell my worries. Do you two realize what you have just done by making these comments??


  6. Have u guys ever seen this? I love her choices, her singing i'm on fire would b like crack 2 me tbh  :flutter:  :flutter:




    Even has an interview I've never heard 


    She said of Sinatra's "It was a very good year" - "It's the only cover we do, me and my band, besides an Elvis song." This was after doing Heart-shaped Box so idk what she's talking about lol, maybe recordings?


    PS Ednafrau she said if anyone she meets listens to Jeff Buckley, it's how she knows she's found a soul mate.  ^_^  


    This is new to me. Nice find, Tee Pee Dee. Dang, you got The Boss and The Doors, and edna got a JB song with some hefty praise. Why u no play a BB song 4 Moni, Lana, and make me swoon 2? 


    God, It Was A Very Good Year is such a fucking monster of a song and arrangement, it almost makes me sweat. Or cry. Or jump out a window. Or rejoice. And i don’t even like Sinatra. 


    I wonder what that vision is for a record that she says would take a while to create. That sounds so intriguing. I wish she was as in control of her music as she seems to be of her videos. That’s what i want. I’m really curious what that would lead to. When she was describing each producers’ role and she got to Emile Haynie, i just laughed: “He kind of finishes up each track...” Yeah, he does, Lana, he sure does. Skip that step in the future, k? 


    I’m with her on Cola being the coolest song on the record  :brows:

  7. In fact, the only reason I checked out this thread was the absurdity that you of all people would start a thread about this movie.


    Ha, i figured some of you would be puzzled.



    I really hope this film is just a massive exercise in trolling as you suspect. I find Kaufman-esque audience antagonism hilarious.


    I didn't mean to imply that the movie itself is just, to use your phrase, an exercise in trolling, just the marketing/trailer. It's a Harmony Korine film. With Disney actors. And James Franco. And Gucci Mane. Called Spring Breakers. Shot on location in Florida. On Spring Break. Therein lies the absurdity (to those who are familiar with Korine and his previous work). But i don't think he wasn't serious about making the film and that he was only trying to antagonize a misled audience. I think he set out to create a film that reflects certain aspects of our culture back at us in a grotesque, exaggerated way--hence the well-known actors he chose (one reviewer argues that the movie would not have worked without this cast) and the decision to shoot on location with real life spring breakers--and so a perfect opportunity was taken to market the movie in a manner that complements what i think might be the movie’s purpose. I'll let you know after i watch it probably this weekend :)


    As a point of reference, watch the trailer for his directorial debut, Gummo from 1997, which was one of my favorite movies for many years, and i still hold dear to me (though his 2007 film Mister Lonely is more in line with what i look for in a movie these days, and it was also where i think he fully develops a unique film language). At any rate i’ve always considered the Gummo trailer to be one of the very best movie trailers; it’s like a short film in itself. As you watch it, keep in mind that this is the same writer/director--it might help you see the absurdity, curiosity, and appeal in the idea of a polarizing, uncompromising, singular director, the likes of Terrence Malick, Werner Herzog, and John Cassavetes, who have all heavily influenced him, making this movie Spring Breakers.



  8. Now, i haven't seen it yet, but i'm a longtime fan of the writer/director Harmony Korine (his movies Gummo and Mister Lonely are two of my all time favorites), and i've been devilishly anticipating, since i first heard about the project about a year ago, seeing teenagers by the droves walk out of the theater within the first 20 minutes. From what i've seen, already, as was expected, a lot of people (who were obviously going to the movie to watch Selena Gomez and Vanessa Hudgens shoot guns and act "slutty") are saying that it's the worst movie they've ever seen. I guess i shouldn't be too surprised that the film has not been talked about at all in the context of its auteur director. It's like he is completely detached from the movie. And i have yet to hear almost anything about this movie from his fans or usual followers. It's just all been a big hype machine and talk of Disney stars in bikinis, James Franco as a thug, and spring break debauchery. When i first heard about the project i realized it was going to be one of the greatest stunts pulled by a director in recent film history, a big budget act of trolling, and an ingenious, highly calculated ruse to get kids looking for a spring break escapist movie to go to a "slow" art house film. Again, i haven't seen it yet, but it's clear that there was an intention from the very beginning to craft a comically misleading discrepancy between the trailer/promotion/marketing of the movie and the film itself. You don't have to know anything here other than the fact that this is a Harmony Korine film. 


    I just read this, which is simultaneously hilarious and sad: 


    the hype machine has worked quite a number of “Spring Breakers”, raising anticipation to a fever pitch. The film’s distributor, A24 Films, made the savvy decision to wait until spring break itself kicked off to bring the film into wide release, which very quickly proved a lucrative strategy: its opening weekend, when it played a handful of theaters in only New York and Los Angeles, broke records for per-theater numbers, outgrossing Korine’s last film in a single day, and the combined sum of every movie he’s ever made by the end of the weekend.


    Anyway, this is my way of saying i'm excited to finally see the film. Let's just hold a little spot here for those of us who will eventually watch it and want to talk about it, eh? 

  9. ^ I was actually just watching the performances that MermaidTrailerHeaven posted in the Vocal Range thread, listening to how pitchy she can be, and for the first time having the thought that maybe she's just really high when she performs. I've heard some of the best singers butcher their songs while high and/or really drunk. It's probably just a combination of nervousness and awkwardness though.

  10. wouldbang/10


    The whole board? Man, why does the A-TL call me the slut? 




    On the topic of the original intention of this thread, my experience has been the site mostly loading fast but every once in a while everything will load incredibly slow and sometimes not even finish loading entirely. The site is not usually down although in the last week or so it's been down a good amount. 




    As for the conversation that has sprung up here, i think there seems to be a bit of a schism--there's a wide gulf between those with a ton of posts (the most active users) and then...everyone else. So it can get pretty clique-ish, which i don't like, but i admit to contributing to it simply because it's hard not to when a certain rapport and banter has been long established. Amongst active posters, i would say it's quite the opposite of what Nickster is saying about the atmosphere being impersonal--things often get so far away from anything Lana related that sometimes it seems we're only talking about personal things, or inside jokes, or just engaging in general tomfoolery, the Fortress of Bullshit, if you will. But i can see how that aspect of this forum, which tends to be a big part, can be off-putting to some people, especially new members. I don't think this is an unfriendly place, but things have occasionally turned in that direction. 


    One of the recurring causes of unfriendliness has been toward certain kinds of new members. There has been a tendency here with new people to register and immediately start making several threads before checking to see what has already been covered. Additionally, i've seen many new people start off posting in a brash style that seems to be an attempt to get noticed. This seems inevitable, but i don't see how that sort of thing is going to ever be received well. No, i don't think anyone should be shot down and made to feel like shit for starting redundant threads that cover very basic information. But this goes both ways--there is also a rudeness to coming in to a new place without making any effort to familiarize yourself with the way the place runs and just asserting yourself however you see fit. I think both sides can handle themselves better in these cases. Differences in opinion can be handled better as well. Although, i think in general, we are nowhere near as bad as that sort of thing can get. I think, when it comes down to it, this place is very mature and mostly civil. There is a lot of sass here though. I’m not into that scene, but it’s a big part of this community, so i’ve come to accept it and i try to not pay it much attention. 


    One thing i think absolutely needs to happen--and this applies anywhere, whether on the internet or “in real life"--is that if someone “prominent” (i.e. they have a lot of posts, or they’ve been here since the beginning, or they know a lot of information) is being a dick, they should be called out on it. There’s no excuse to let shitty behavior slide simply because the shitty behavior is coming from someone who is “somebody” rather than a "nobody." We're all nobodies :)  


    Ultimately, i think there is a strong sense of community here, it just gets splintered into smaller communities within the main one. And, in the end, even though we're all brought together by the same interest, each of us is here for different aspects of said interest, and i think that’s actually what makes any place like this thrive. I say embrace the disparity and multitudes. I don’t think it’s hopeless for new people. Look at ataraxia and lola, they were once new and now they are two of the most active and welcoming/accomodating people here. 


    Oh, one more thing...i, too, have never seen anyone correct anyone's grammar here, at least not seriously, so i'm not sure where that came from. 

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