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Everything posted by Constantine

  1. I literally had a big Big Mac menu and like 12 slices of pizza for dinner. Lemme STARVE myself all day tomorrow.
  2. Constantine


    don't bother with him, he's a Gaga stan
  3. I feel her songs are gonna be extremely wordy this time around. Queen of extremes
  4. I'm offended you grouped me w EB(love leaked though)
  5. UV being "rock" okaaay I honestly think she should retire for now. She's stuck w that LDR persona for far too long. Her songs don't even feel like they happen organically anymore
  6. THis is for all the BTD stans that were bitching about her last two records and were begging her to go back to that Emile'd faux hip hop shitty beat'd mess. The way their wish backfired is spectacular
  7. ok Awful song. scrap the album and retire @@Lana
  8. her transition to this "conscious artistee111!!" character is so fucking embarrassing and forced. im waiting till the albumm is released and then im ditching this hag!
  9. then why did you make this thread? useless
  10. "what about the children" this is the most cliched cheesy piece of shit ever. I called it ages ago this album was gonna SUCK
  11. Coachella is the new woodstock partying is the only solution
  12. she should have never went "political!". this record is gonna be a forced, faux deep, cringey mess
  13. that title is adorable and quirky and lizzy as fuck. The coachella festival on my mind one is like a title straight out of those title generators. She needs to get it together
  14. zzz OT: this era is all horrible minus Love. God Bless America sounds cringey af as well.
  15. Honeymoon &High By The Beach> Love and Lust for Life. While love is a really great track, it felt quite familiar sonically and lust for life is just bad. It's the only time I've felt uncertain about new Lana music. I really hope the album is more HMesque than the BTD lite mess she seemingly wants to serve for her fans(who told her this was a good idea). Praying she didn't scrap BAR. It's quite interesting and definitely something fresh from her.
  16. Y'all need to chill. What is Lana doing in her insta story? She looks hot af though
  17. The way that journalist made her seem like a huge vapid bimbo A 2012 tea indeed
  18. Cancel this era already
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