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Everything posted by komodo

  1. Yeah i just noticed it said March (my phone's translator seemed to have missed that).
  2. But it translates to saying it is available immediately. Unless that is not updated to the newer edition edit: just realized it was the march edition
  3. But I need to figure out how to order just one copy (two copies) and not a year's subscription first =[
  4. I need this magazine... it's apparently a collector's item. I don't know what will be collector's about it... but I need it. Anyone know how I can order it (and ship to Canada?) Maybe I'll even order two and send whoever else a copy =]
  5. Or they could have no life and constantly be refreshing their feed. ;]
  6. I thought it was already confirmed that Music To Watch Boys To was the next single to be released (due to Amazon's information?) Hope the video comes out soon =]
  7. Mods have to adhere to certain rules too... so they can't exactly do anything they want. But they sure can do more than we regulars can.
  8. There has been a lot of... strange things showing up lately. I'm still new here but I don't imagine it always being like this. Are you referring to me or in general? Cause if me... I'm far from married.
  9. I don't get the point of mentioning whether us straight fans exist or not. Seriously... this forum makes it seem like Lana is strictly for women and gay men.
  10. The picture of the box set displays an ugly jewel case... but could just be poor renderings.
  11. There are many ways a leak happens. a) Through hacking b) Directly from the source (such as from lana, the producer, the song writer etc) c) From a 2nd/3rd party where the source either sold or shared the song to d) Uploading error Sometimes leaks happen intentionally from the source (such as leaks with Samsung Galaxies or iPhones). In such cases intentional leaks are for marketing purposes.
  12. I found that this forum LOVES acronyms... Gets hard to follow or understand what people are talking about sometimes.
  13. Do blurays/dvds usually display songs as part of bonus features?
  14. That's not what you're last few sentences said in the previous post. It's a public forum no need for "you can leave me alone" when someone puts out their point of view of what you said. Relax. Ain't no one out to hurt you.
  15. So... you're saying... because a girl sings a provocative song to a guy---then it's not a song for a guy? And all those vulgar rap songs about stretching a girls vajayjay are strictly for men? Or any sexual-sweet songs like say... any from Usher or The Weeknd or Drake or 1D or Marvin Gay or Luther Vandross or BSB or Nsync or Justin Timberlake aren't for women because it's a male singing it? That's flawed thinking. Lana isn't just for the LGBTQ you know. And yes I'm straight.
  16. Hmn... makes some sense. And I haven't seen an instagram ad before--might be because I use a 3rd party app. Agree with 2) either confirm the death of Life Is Beautiful or give us some gosh darned information!
  17. I feel ya! I'm on flight on the 12th.. and coming back on the 23rd... Only way I can get a hold of the album is if it's for sale at the Japan airport during my layover.
  18. i went to the IG account. Last use of the song was 17 weeks ago. I wouldn't quite call that still using it. Although the account is still active, maybe they'll give us a new-snippet of the song to promote the dvd
  19. That's old. It's basically the same as the commercial ad. edit: fixed my original post.
  20. We should all come to a mutual agreement to not bump this thread unless there is news about Life Is Beautiful. (/sarcasm) I'm getting old waiting for this song... and every time this thread pops up I get a little hopeful... then a little sad.
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