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Everything posted by komodo

  1. I just googled "Sleepwalk". It's the instrumental that the band plays before Lana comes on.
  2. I'm going to admit to recording most or all of the show. BUT I always cover the entire phone (screen) with my hand as to not have people behind me look at a 5" glowing screen. Of if I'm close enough to the front or side I will lean my hand/device in a manner as to not block anyone's view with a glowing screen. And I keep the phone/hand way over my head as to not block my own view or anyone else's around me. I think if you record at shows it's fine.. just be considerate of people around you. But especially don't watch the show through the recording device, that's super lame.
  3. It was much worse than I expected. I felt that if I wasn't firm in my position I would have been knocked over and potentially trampled on... it was that bad. It seems you were closer to the front so you didn't get a herd of people tackling and wanting to shove you over. The elbow resting would be annoying. I saw your earlier post too, you handled it pretty well.
  4. Did anyone get emails for "upgrade packages" by Livenation/Experience? I signed up for it... and when the day came that they were releasing upgrades the Toronto show disappeared from the app.
  5. This is a tour item, I don't think it's going to be reprinted. And I don't think there is an 'autographed version'. The blank pages are there because it's labeled as a 'note book'.
  6. I was in the centre of the pit, about 4-5 rows behind the front. LOTS of people were drinking and smoking. There were three groups of people around me were specifically trying to get hammered. Insane amount of pushing and shoving. Lots of tackling, especially when she came down to the stage. Overall I'd say great show. Bad crowd. Worst than last year at Sony Centre in terms of respect amongst fans. Someone mentioned bandwagoners... I don't know about the seated sections but there were a lot of them in the pit. At least I assume so with them saying "lane-ah" and another group only talking about "Summertime Sadness".
  7. Were you in the pit? Because people in the pit were not very respectful as they were last year at the Sony Centre. There were insane amounts of pushing and shoving. And my god... when she went down to the stage to greet fans---that was the worst. I've been to many shows this year and I would say the crowd at Lana's Endless Summer have been the worst yet. I understand people get excited and want to meet the artist/band. But that doesn't mean you need to rush the stage---thus tackling people who have the common sense that you aren't getting anywhere. Basically... what I experienced was, if you didn't rush the stage with everyone else then you're going to get tackled the shit out of. It was not like this last year. At Sony Centre everyone was respectful and had the brains not to tackle each other. Not to mention about a dozen different people calling her 'lane-ah'.
  8. Is no one going to mention the similar feel to how her band opened for her at the Endless Summer tour? A string-medley leading into the song??
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