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Everything posted by KingJay

  1. The way that she chose to put Yosemite on the album over songs like I Talk To Jesus or Thunder. Lana, ha taste is bad.
  2. Yesss, listening to it while I drive is probably one of the best experiences .
  3. Why does lmlylaw sound soooooo good all of a sudden, I mean I already liked it. But now. I really like it lol.
  4. Does anyone know or can help me out on how to play flac on itunes? Do i have to convert them or something?
  5. True, I just thought it was a weird coincidence that I saw it on there and then they mentioned it as a UV outtake lol.
  6. Hold on, let me see if I can find it again. I didn't pay much attention or download it because it looked like another fan remake.
  7. wait, there is a lmlylaw "remix" on Degree that says UV version. Does that mean it's real?
  8. Yosemite could have stayed a cute unreleased song that leaked like in 5 more years and I wouldn't have minded
  9. The way that i haven't listened to Let Me Love You Like A Woman in months and I just did for the first time and damn did it hit me hard lol.
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