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Everything posted by KingJay

  1. So, Yosemite is finally growing on me. She still could of stayed a cute unreleased girl, that someone leaked a few years from now. But yeh
  2. My mental health atm cannot handle this yet. Bye
  3. I'm outside, it's dark, but you can still see because of the moonlight. There is clouds and just the cars going down a main road by my house. It's not cold it's not hot. It's actually windy, and the leaves are rustling. I just smoked a little and I feel good, and tulsa Jesus freak playing. Ahhh best feeling ever.
  4. Ok, I'm going to admit it, the bridge in Yoseflop is gorgeous .
  5. I really can't wait for everyone else to finally get to listen to it. I love the album so much.
  6. Remember those annoying fake ass snippets of Say yes to heaven and TJF mixed in together? I want to find who ever made them and slap them. Like what goes through these people's minds when they do shit like that.
  7. Well there is like 1 or 2 songs that sort of have the same melody as Hey aby blue and Sorry for being so happy. Or they at least sound similar.
  8. To the people who have listened to the album already and are into the way it sounds, production, mixing etc. Do ya'll think this album is better than NFR in terms of that? I really can't tell lol. For example NFR sounds normal to me.
  9. Honestly Lmlylaw has grown on me so much, then again, I had stopped listening to it after she performed it on fallon. But now I can't skip it. it just flows pretty well with the album.
  10. I just couldn't resist lol. I was going to try to give it a few days. but nope lol.
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