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Everything posted by SuperMegaStan

  1. im seeing subtle shade at the title track EDIT: and elle has fixed that
  2. we need that Coachella - No-more-808-drums In My Ears (Remix) first.
  3. seeing how linkin' park's frontman ended his life and listening lust for life have me so emotional right now... i can't explain that..
  4. we're so close to move to the POST-RELEASE THREAD. what a moment
  5. maybe lust for life is a lust of finding your way when you're lost in life? that's deep lana.
  6. Here is my review of my first listen to Lust for Life. Things might change after more plays. Summary This is her most easy-accessible album since Born To Die and also her most diverse yet cohesive one. Best (9.5-10) Great (7.5-9) Alright (<7.5)
  7. i mean maybe she meant occasionally... that's why she cant say she doesnt drink anymore... but she can't say she has that drinking problem again... it's like you drink at the night club on a friday night or a dinner or sth likke that.
  8. the interview makes me cry.. it is so personal... it's like... you can tell she's very intelligent and shy and very complex... as a human... not just a star that you see on screen with only one single layer... i dont know how to say it.. but i can feel her pain... she is sort of recovering... but she's just very complex... it's not 100% sadness, not 100% happiness, but somewhere in between... and she shows so many personal growth after the mainstream debut I love this girl so much omfg.
  9. it's so diverse yet cohesive... its so meta i love it....
  10. remember to buy the album when it's release, stream it on spotify non-stop for the whole release week
  11. my fave is "I was at Coachella, leaning on your shoulder, watching your husband swing in time / swing and shine"
  12. this kind of determination and desperation... i'm "impressed" @@WisconsinPuppyLove, i see you sis
  13. poor lisa getting blackmailed, sex offer and endless harassment on instagram from the gays btw, who is "ilostbilly"? those were gold
  14. do blow jobs still work this time? i think not.
  15. and azealia bit the tit of a female security guard. it's like stealing $100 and stealing $10 are still stealing. stop justifying your own action by screaming "others did bad things too!!!!!!11111" anyways, can't wait for lust for life
  16. after pre-ordering the boxset and finding out there will be a surprise show in 5 days? motto of lipsters
  17. i swear to god it's such an emotional rollercoaster to be a lipster the fact that the fans have to look at their phones 7-24 just because she loves to announce sth all of a sudden ahhhhhh
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