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Everything posted by SuperMegaStan

  1. let's hope that the same writer will do the review for the album
  2. i used to think the "And it's enough just to make me go crazy, crazy, crazy...It's enough just to make me go crazy, crazy, crazy..." before the last chorus is kinda annoying
  3. Arilana Venti Skimmed Milk Double Shot No Cream No Foam Extra Hot will be my drag name
  4. it's economy. mainly on the topic of efficiency i need a gif when she shakes her head singing "coffee shop" tho she looks so cute there.
  5. presumption is a kind of prejudice anyways, love each other. live with that idea. actions speak louder than words peace xoxo. and collab with FJM pls it was released 3 hours ago. 3 hours = 3*60mins = 180mins Video = 5 mins the max times you can watch = 180/5 = 36 times. just saying
  6. lowkey hoping for it to be another upcoming video for her new song
  7. i dont see any plus sized actor/actress either! (^i can delete this if this makes you uncomfortable @jack aka LiP)
  8. no one said you could not. we're just suggesting you to take a look at the macro level and enjoy something. ; ) there're only 1-2 relatively rude comments directly stating/implying "shut up" so... (and it's from our publicly certified problematic queens) most of us are just discussing over an issue w/ u in a very calm and peaceful mood + respectful manner love u
  9. if you really have to kiss someone to express your love, i'm really sorry for not loving my parents for like more than 15 years. love is an abstract concept and please just dont over-analyze / over think about the video or take things too "literal"
  10. maybe they should really have a "gay" "bi" "trans" etc. (sorry for leaving any unmentioned minority groups) tattoos on their forehead so that our pure little innocent well-intentioned viewer would know everyone on earth from every group is included right? we need more labels to show our support and recognition!!!!!!
  11. it's pretty funny that when one sends a message at a very universal level, but sometimes people just love to use a microscope to look at the very tiny minor irrelevant issue and complain about it. sounds kinda SJWs tbh. btw, how do people even assume all actors/actress' genders and sexuality? are these characteristics very obvious to tell? do these all pre-assumptions actually a kind of stereotyping perhaps?
  12. 3:17 - 3:18 sometimes when you focus on a particular issue too much and you will miss something that you've been looking for. i didnt even think about that either but since you mentioned it
  13. i'm about to replay the video until i get over the slayage.
  14. https://www.instagram.com/bestamericanrecord/ is this real?
  15. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/C5HwLI1WEAA3PZi.jpg OMGOMGOMGOMGOMG
  16. from being a jazz singer to a cult leader. she leads the crowd to travel to space. what kind of reverse heaven's gate experience
  17. mess at she ignored my "where is life is beautiful?" three times
  18. the video gives us what HONEYMOON should be like OMG I"M IN LOVE
  19. i think she overslept 8am is still her beauty sleep time
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