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Posts posted by Jack

  1. LOL

    I really like your covers though, they're really cool and better than most official ones.

    The effects you use are great and it's really impressive you do them on your phone.

    Aww thanks!!! I'll make sure to post more when inspiration hits me!

    and it feels like a kiss


  2. Because you aren't supposed to openly trade on this forum, it can get you banned FAST. also you are new and when you have a small question it is universally accepted that you should not make a full thread just post in that thread Here>>http://lanaboards.com/index.php?/topic/3625-thread-for-minor-general-questions-that-dont-deserve-their-own-thread/ . People get VERY annoyed when people do either of those things and doing both may make some think you are a troll. I'd say wait a few weeks before making any new threads and maybe just make an intro thread, have a great time here! :welcome:

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