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Posts posted by Jack

  1. I seen t.v previews for this movie like around Christmas time and it said it would be in theaters at the end of January but it's not?!?!?!


    It's by the same writer as The Hills Have Eyes btw.

    Barely looks better than that Paris Catacombs mess of a movie lmao,

    But dare we forget the best horror movie EVER


  2. Even though I'm not one for horror films, this looks so great and I can't wait to see it. I'm involved in a Skype group with friends I met from another website, and one of the members showed us the trailer, so we're all going to watch it together when it's out online. I bet one of them is going to pull something tho so it matches the movie plot lol.

    Especially excited since my fav is in it ;)


    that vine tho :lmao:

  3. Even though I'm not one for horror films, this looks so great and I can't wait to see it. I'm involved in a Skype group with friends I met from another website, and one of the members showed us the trailer, so we're all going to watch it together when it's out online. I bet one of them is going to pull something tho so it matches the movie plot lol.

    Especially excited since my fav is in it ;)

    can I come? :ohno:

  4. It's been so long since I watched it but I really liked the one with Jessica Biel. I know texas chainsaw 2 was really bad. A few were pretty bad  :facepalm:

    I actually liked the 2007? One lol and have any of yall seen the movies The Den, Oculus, and You're Next? All three were AMAZING and I HIGHLY reccommend them


    Have y'all seen the trailer for Unfriended? It's coming out in April I think. It looks REALLY good @@Jack @@trayertrash. It was v well received by a bunch of critics at the film festival it premiered at last year.

    Idk I made a status and thought this would be a cool thread :hairflip: and HOLY SHIT that movie looks so GOOD OMFG

    The new Evil Dead is literal art, can't emphasize this enough in any convo about horror movies

    I saw it in theaters when I was 16 :slayty:
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