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Posts posted by Jack

  1. And not posting here is free as well :)

    I hope she gets some unreleased song like Glam and completely transforms it for a release.

    Don't talk to me don't talk to me don't talk to me

  2. If you're not here to talk about Allie and her music, fucking leave. This isn't for drama and cancer jokes thank you.

    Thank you the @ feature is free :)

  3. According to you, I became "hateful" once I stopped responding to your messages and stopped defending you in statuses.

    I never said that, I said you became hateful when you decided to start a pointless fight with 90% of the forum, I'm sorry if you feel that I only thought of you as a good person when you were being kind to me but even when you decided to take on a crusade against a lot of my friends I still tried to defend you in personal chats and messages because you aren't a bad person, I just feel like you chose to take on a battle you couldn't win, while noble, was stupid and led to you being rude to a lot of people (both good and bad)

  4. Oh I see jack is messaging people to defend him again.

    You know, 'cause nobody would otherwise.

    No I feel I defended myself fine, and CIMB you always used to be kind I don't know how you became so hateful, try and have a nice day anyways I know you can be a good person

  5. You were never in this thread until you posted some fucking stupid shit.

    This "limp dick" would destroy your fat ass so don't try it. Really. Don't.

    As for your critic comment, some people are made to critique people and others make pieces of shit to get critiqued. You fall into the latter. Disappear for several months, go on a diet and get a vocal coach. All the excess weight off your diaphragm is limiting your range which is basically non existent

    are you serious right now..... You were made to be a judge mental bitch who decides what's good for everyone else, no you aren't special all you do is choose what you like and what you don't, just like everyone else so don't act all high and mighty like you have some divine right to judge people's work and say that your words mean more than anybody else's.

    Your "pieces of shit" comment was completely opinion which doesn't really phase me because you have the right to not like something (but your opinion doesn't matter more than someone who isn't a "critic")

    "Go on a diet" as if this will make anyone think you aren't just being petty....

    "Vocal coach" I might actually consider this

    "Non-existent range" I can sing almost 5 octaves....where have you been told these lies? Your friends in tinychat who do nothing but have a circle jerk of being rude and making fun of people who don't deserve it?

    Oh well... Here's to you and your holier-than-thou attitude!


  6. Where did he say that? Anything close to that?

    Fuck you for thinking it was okay to make fun of a fatal illness, you pathetic piece of shit. I've lost my very-close 28 year old aunt to cancer. My very-close grandma recently beat cancer. It's not funny.

    You can live your life being fat but if you have cancer, you're fucking dying. Your "fat shaming" can not compare to that so stop fucking riding this.

    I'm sorry I offended you, but I wasn't talking to you.....you always insert yourself into conversations that have nothing to do with you....kind of like what Andrew did and why I called him out. I'm sorry you lost your aunt and I've apologized already for saying offensive things so why do you feel the need to start more shit by being fucking rude?

    They literally said nothing inflammatory about her :deadbanana:


    Someone likes to bait arguments and play the victim.

    And somebody likes to add themselves into conversations they have no point being in so take your little limp dick self back to whatever "music critic" cave you came out of you ugly ugly hateful troll

  7. The same person came in here literally looking to bait drama. They haven't been present in this thread up until yesterday


  8. You're missing "One Day & One Night" Featuring Thomas.


    And you're right.


    @@Jack I apologize for being rude to you.

    damn , well i msorry about the cancer joke it wasnt really in good taste

  9. are you guys really calling somebody on their weight. that's shitty.

    at least someone can see that..... everyone else is calling me petty and saying this is pointless, its NOT ok to discredit someone based on their weight

  10. can you fuck outta here already? You already quoted me, please leave now.

    You were wrong and you attempted to discredit me by calling me fat and now all you have is fuck outta here.............…

  11. I wasn't fat shaming. I was saying jacks head probably weighs more than the rest of his body.you don't count as fat <3

    you literally called me fat don't backpedal now that you've proven to be problematic

  12. @@Jack


    you misinterpreted what I said :( I said you were fat. That is all. Leave this thread already, you're not wanted here.





    Ps. You wish my pussy was on you. :(

    are you that pathetic, you really think my weight defines anything about me except my BMI? fuck outta here with your backwards offensive rude bullshit

  13. perfect reply when you don't know what else to postarrow-10x10.png

    Obviously I have no idea what to reply with, I have no idea who you are. I posted in this thread and you have felt the need to call me both a joke and stupid. If you want me to be stupid i can be, as you can see my previous post, but I don't comprehend your need to reply to someone you don't know and try to degrade them for no reason. Go listen to your  Allie X and remove your pussy from my penis, it is nowhere near lubricated enough to be engaging me in intercourse.

  14. if you were 'smart' you'd know that brainarrow-10x10.png size doesn't matter. It's about how many neurons you have. at least you tried :/

    do u hav a point puttin fukin siense fakts or r u just a rood bicth , leev me alone!

  15. That irrelevant you need to force people into mentioning you... 



    No it's better not to try to be ugly and be shady and just say who you are talking about instead of being a cowardly bitch

    I'm confused, is he the joke he speaks of?

    hey @@Jack no one wants you here

    No one wants you here.... Is that really all you got? That's like 3rd grade shit....

  16. If it got locked then LB would be dead. We just need Jackson to stop posting stale ass jokes here and probablyarrow-10x10.png just talk about HER and HER MUSIC.

    what you NEED is to @ me next time, thanks!

  17. Oh wow a cancerarrow-10x10.png jokearrow-10x10.png.


    That stuck about as wellarrow-10x10.png as yourarrow-10x10.png musicarrow-10x10.png

    maybe @ me next time, itsnot a good lookarrow-10x10.png on you.... just like trying to say someones fucking kid isn't real you sack of shit

    also ebola jokes and aids jokes must be funny because they happen to affect marginalized peoples, while cancer can't be funny becaus it mainly happens to white women.....

  18. That was his stale ass "joke".

    better than your stale ass "attitude" 


    I didn't even get that it was a joke it was that awful

    you must not know what a joke is... and "catch these hands"..... catch a personality 



    aww you have such a great taste in photos bc i look sexy!

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