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Posts posted by Jack

  1. Waiting for that album that was going to be released later 2014 tho

    She tweeted about a week ago that it will be coming out by the end of the summer and that she was just getting some of the visuals ready, so I'm assuming the album is finished and just waiting for release!

  2. I drift between liking her and finding her mildly annoying but I am a complete sucker for pretty things so I own her Dollhouse vinyl. Its literally the most beautiful thing to watch spin on my record player (besides the UV boxset vinyls). I just wish it was longer than 4 songs. @@Jack I'm kind of interested in anything you have by her. I only have the Dollhouse EP and while I'm not really blown away by it I see where I could potentially be really into her so I'm looking for more.

    By the way, if anyone needs the vinyl they are being sold cheap on Warner's webstore. Don't pay the stupid amounts people are trying to get for them on eBay.

    This is what it looks like if anyone is curious:






    I'm gonna make a masterpost this week, a lot of the songs will have to be live recordings because she has only got The Voice songs, The dollhouse EP and a few other songs in a professional quality.....

    Also is the EP 15$ on her store? Bc I really am debating getting it

  3. This is similar to American Horror Story: Horror Story trailer that featured Dollhouse by Melanie Martinez, they never released her song as part of their songs, nor did they use her song in anything other than one trailer, but that song is associated with AHS

    They used carousel, and the song was already released on her EP for months by then, so it wasn't really necessary to rerelease it....

  4. I could honestly care less for whatever she said. I've listened to Sonic Youth for much longer and I can't look at Kim as a negative figure. I don't know either of these women personally, so I could care less what they write about towards each other. I enjoy both of their music so much, and the little cat fights that they get into couldn't really affect me.


    Not in direct response to you personally but I really have a problem with this mass idolizations of celebrities as gods, I mean if we are going to truly relate to these artists lyrics and music from a human viewpoint, how can we turn these artists into gods and idols and shit while still empathizing on a human level? It honestly scares me a bit

  5. Absolute Zero - 10

    First Impressions - 10

    Sonder - 3 -

    Slander Me - 12 

    Random Acts of Violence - 8 

    Nightmare Saviours - 11

    Can Love Last in America - 10

    Technicolor Tetrachloride - 10

    Runner - 9 

    Poppin' Pills - 13

    Don't Let Me Go - 12

    Set Me on Fire - 10

    Stay Dead - 12

    Kids in the Dark - 10

  6. I'm not allowing one of my most anticipated releases be ruined by a repetitive troll :)

    I think Allie will play up the shadow self concept much more because Allie X is stuck here while Allie Hughes is stuck there.

    That's actually an idea I hadn't thought of, I'm really excited for the shadow concept too!

  7. @@Jack

    You and your faces all over your profile are like a plague. I was skipping your posts all along but I seriously can't hide how annoyed I feel by your unstopping necessity of receiving attention... Do you honestly have a life?

    Can we discuss something serious already?

    Like we've expected this release for so long and we let the attention slip to one sad and irrelevant person...

    Stay shitty, that was fucked up trying to say I'm ugly... A "plague", really? are you that pathetic that you have to demean me by my appearance when you won't even put your full face on your profile? Oh well....


    I also don't understand why you felt the need to bring up drama that is over with either... Is it just a flamebait...or do you actually want to start drama? And I didn't ask you to reply when this has had absolutely nothing to do with you.... Oh well try to have a nice day, even with that awful attitude

  8. Absolute Zero - 10
    First Impressions - 10
    Sonder - 4 -
    Slander Me - 12 
    Random Acts of Violence - 8 
    Nightmare Saviours - 11
    Can Love Last in AMERICAarrow-10x10.png - 10
    Technicolor Tetrachloride - 10
    Runner - 9 
    Poppin' Pills - 12 
    Don't Let Me Go - 12 
    SETarrow-10x10.png Me on Fire - 10
    Stay Dead - 12
    Kids in the Dark - 10 

  9. Oh God, I'm a bitch. I totally misread that </3 I'm sorryarrow-10x10.png.

    lmaoooooooo omg i should've known that it could've been read that way based on the past drama, but bitch and tumor are growing on me rn

  10. Congrats on it shipping <3SHUT. THE. FUCK. UP. AND GO AWAY -_-

    So now that I am actually talking about the artist who this thread was made for you get bitchy..... Way to be stupid

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