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Posts posted by Jack

  1. Please give me all the front row tips :creep: I'm going on the 11th.

    If you have M&G get there by 5pm, if not you will most likely not get front row unless u push but pls don't, otherwise be there by 4:30 if the doors open at 7, or an equal amount of time if earlier. Bring a fanny pack!! It's so helpful and helped me bring in 2 water bottles and I didn't have to pay 2$ a bottle! Also bring a glow stick it's fun! And if you get front row, point your phone so that Melanie can see herself, so front camera, and she may look at your phone or carry it on stage! and be prepared to hold your turf if you get front row by not buying too much Merch, it weighs u down, good luck! And have fun!

  2. honestly...eBay, all versions now will be jewel case when her site has them back in stock and all physical retailers have sold out of their stock

    Omg this means that my signed digital is even more valuable Bc it's "exclusive" brb going to sell it in 20 years for 20000$

  3. she was recently featured on the new track "Angel" on The Weeknds new album Beauty Behind the Madness, and now she has her own single "Charge it to the Game"


    Any help finding her first EP that got taken off iTunes would be highly appreciated

  4. I was at the show too and got M&G and got my vinyl (got a teensie smudged :() and my cry baby cd signed, I also talked to Melanie about my hit single that she should buy on itunes

  5. i think its her producers are the ones  doing that with sounding like other songs... not her she has alot of beats going on and chances are they wanted to use ones they knew were popular i can already see people calling her inauthentic because the similaritys . like i hear a bit of national anthem in milk and cookies


    National Anthem???? Do you have ears?

  6. So I don't murder my battery. Does anyone have songs they specifically want recorded if she performs them? I only want to record Mrs Potato Head, Soap, Tag You're It and Sippy Cup.

    She might do a cover or two like previous tours, for example sweet escape, and starring role so stay perchedt
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