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Everything posted by foxgrl

  1. https://new.myspace.com/lanadelrey
  2. foxgrl

    Song vs. Song

    Blue Jeans vs. Put Me in a Movie
  3. I know I call everyone babe sry
  4. im gonna go get some popcorn for the shitstorm thats about to start
  5. i think this is popular but i just need to post it somewhere so i don't understand her, Lana herself. her songs are all mysterious and deadly and so very just, raw, you know? but when you look at lana, you see a cute delicate girl who could never do anything that these songs portray. i get that some are based off movies, novels, things etc but the more personal ones confuse me. and why is she so awfully timid? the first time i heard her in an interview, i wasn't really moved per say. whereas her songs move me to a point of laughter or tears or, just real emotions really, i guess. i just don't know where my dangerous girl's gone, and i want her back.
  6. its beautiful but its saying "the file selected is too large. Max 100kb" ? it literally says the file is 111kb thats only 11kb thats s odumb
  7. foxgrl

    Song vs. Song

    dum dum vs. ten dollar ring
  8. i love it! sh. do you think you could make my current icon the same shading? i love it too much to give it up, but i do want a 'set' per say.
  9. the background is beautiful
  10. http://lanadelreyfan.com/gallery/displayimage.php?pid=10675&fullsize=1 http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_md4imoDr0l1rkucqro1_500.jpg http://lanadelreyfan.com/gallery/displayimage.php?pid=5472&fullsize=1 ???
  11. this is the best thing ive ever seen you say and im laughing so hard
  12. of course, i'm sorry! how about http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mdn9spmPb91rkucqro1_400.jpg (pic on the right) and http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_md4imoDr0l1rkucqro1_500.jpg and maybe http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mdtkp3m7KJ1rkucqro1_500.png as the like idk mixing background wow im so sorry i have like 0 idea how to match things?? im looking through pictures now that would also match my icon because i love it im unsure if you have any ideas you can really do whatever you want :ohreallygirl:
  13. thank you so much, and again im sorry and, hey, could you maybe make me a backround for my mac when you're done? image: http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mdmtd0R8DY1r7oj7fo1_500.jpg dimensions are 1280x800 text: You are, by far, the brightest star I’ve ever seen And I never dreamed I’d be so happy that I could die. mood: love, awe, happiness sorry!!im sorry:( ur a doll i understand if you are busy love
  14. I would like to request a: set The images I would like you to use: hi its a lot i wasn't really sure just any like my icon/or when lana had hair like this: http://24.media.tumb...fb032o1_500.jpg http://25.media.tumb...i900ko1_500.png http://24.media.tumb...kucqro1_500.jpg http://25.media.tumb...oedl5o1_500.png http://24.media.tumb...kucqro1_500.jpg any mixture or mashup of a few of those (i'd like to keep my icon as it is, but if you think somethings better, go for it.) Dimensions: the typical icon/sig, but no rounded corners please Text: play house, put my favorite record on. get down, get your crystal method on. Mood: sensual and fun Other Specifications: i want the pictures about the same brightness as in my icon, and the set itself not too dark. p.s im really sorry wow this is really vauge but i've never requested anything like this before?? im sorry and i understand if you can't/don't want to do it. love your work, btw.
  15. foxgrl

    Song vs. Song

    Prom Song vs. Queen of the Gas Station
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