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Everything posted by HoneymoonSwan

  1. The beginning is so fucking good, and the running and sliding parts are my other highlights.
  2. I've asked all of my friends and even I agree, the video is perfect, but the first minute is the best part. After that, I skip through to the highlights. It's a very underwhelming music video, and she truly fed my/my friends favorite lyrics to dust ("We dance on the H of the Hollywood sign") because she didn't even dance.
  3. I need links to Cherry, Lust For Life, and Love asap!
  5. the quality is shit. I wish homegirl would let festivals livestream her!
  6. I've honestly grown to love them and I used to be the person that hated them the most.
  7. HoneymoonSwan


    This is easily one of my new favorite songs. I don't even need to hear it in full to know that. God is good! Amen amen! Listen, I'm fine with it being another Freak (Freak is actually one of my favs from Honeymoon). I just hope this isn't another Life is Beautiful. I'm really worried about that because this song is too good to be true, and it bothers me that this isn't one of the songs she's talked about in one of the interviews.
  8. Lust For Life is a two part story Conspiracy Theory thread: So now that we know this album will an album for us and about politics, I think she (obviously) has some personal songs on the record too. I think that this album will start out with a lot of sadness, heartbreak, and hatred, but she'll slowly start to find comfort in the love of the people around her (aka her fans), and she'll start to realize how selfish she was all this time, wrapped up in her heartbreak, when some real awful shit is happening to the people that love her (her fans) and she starts to be more socially aware about stuff, and speaks her mind more as the album starts to progress. I'm hoping Love will be the final track, if this is really the direction she's going for with the album.
  9. I never thought there'd be a day where Lana released a new album and it would top Ultraviolence. Where is Anne to approve this?! Anne will be at the tattoo removal doctor tomorrow getting her tattoo removed and then getting it replaced with Lust For Life.
  10. Fuck! I don't fucking know a Sirens, AKA, Unreleased, Born To Die, Paradise, Ultraviolence, or Honeymoon. The only thing I fucking know is Lust For Life. She's really coming for that #1!
  13. Why do you guys believe this July bullshit when multiple interviewers/people have already confirmed hearing the album?
  14. Tbh Lana was probably pushed to put some kind of beat on Coachella - Woodstock In My Mind. I'm not saying she was forced, but her label seems to be pushing her away from her normal style. Especially when Ben was "opposed/reluctant" about her releasing God Bless America because it has a controversial title. That doesn't make sense though because the song has a good meaning. Also it seems like she had trouble with her label deciding if When the World Was At War, We Kept Dancing would be on the album because of its slow and sad nature. I'm not saying it's a bad thing for her to be happy, but it really makes me cringe when she says she's never sad anymore. We all know as humans, we have to have our days where we feel a little bit off.
  15. If it isn't, you sure as hell know we'll get 50 snippets of it over the course of 8 months, and then we'll suffer, suffer a little more, and it will finally leak, but it will be edited.
  16. Ugh the only thing I'm bummed about is that we have three singles and only one music video.
  17. Yeah, I don't understand. These songs sound 10x better than anything on BTD.
  18. Can someone send me the iTunes quality? I already have my coins ready to buy it when it releases in US btw.
  19. Weren't you all wanting beats like 2.2 seconds ago? Anyways..... I love this song so much, but I just don't Iike how she has the ability to have great production and mixing but she gave us this. This doesn't sound HQ either, I'm hoping the iTunes version sounds better. Everything else is perfect though. Love > Lust For Life > Coachella - Woodstock In My Mind > Best American Record
  20. Daaaaaark blueeeeeee (skiessssssss foreverrrrrr )
  21. Also, I feel like this is one of the first songs wrote/recorded for the album. Since Lana said she had a more 60's vibe going for this album, and the album direction changed after she realized she had to make a political album.
  22. Oh, I think we are getting the song tonight?! That screenshot was took at 11:49 and it wasn't 12 yet. That means there is only 1 day left as of today, and songs are usually released at 12.
  23. No, that songs title is "Stairway To Heaven" and she confirmed it was a song that she just wrote after coachella. The album is already done!
  24. I didn't think about this! What if it's two songs "Coachella" and "Woodstock In My Mind"? Could this be the Burnt Norton of this era? I feel like if it is two songs it will be the break between the pop side and acoustic side of the album.
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