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Everything posted by HoneymoonSwan

  1. It's nothing! I sent that to Ed and he confirmed Beautiful & Rich and Betrayal aren't real. We all know BAR is real though, and SR might be real, but I don't think the name is Subversive Road.
  2. If it's just a picture of her holding a dollar bill and it is just her hand, that is from Stella's story. Lana put a dollar into a fortune telling machine!
  3. Ed, confirmed that Beautiful & Rich, and Betrayal are fake! I asked him about Subversive Road but he hasn't responded yet. I'll add screenshots if needed!
  4. The flying truck scene in the Love music video has to be one of my favorite moments from the video, I've never giggled so hard in my life. Above all is the scene where the theater transitions into the galaxy and Lana sees earth.
  5. okay, but with YAIL we had already knew the name, and she knew that we knew about it. I'm guessing that's what made it easier for her to know it leaked, but a song that we shouldn't even know about in the first place is a huge deal. I'm so frustrated.
  6. it is already in the hands of a stan who can't keep their mouth closed for shit. Not going to mention them, but I'm so disappointed. They've leaked stuff before for attention. I hope they keep dont share it. Even if it is just the demo, I can't have someone ruining Lana's best era yet!
  7. The twitter stans officially have BAR (one of the worst ones specifically cause we follow each other) and I know for fucking sure it will leak. They live for attention! We finally get something nice, and y'all are still filthy rats. I cannot believe how ungrateful this fandom is!
  8. We've done it girls! This is the era, she's back, and Mama Del Rey didn't come to play. You'll locate me in my coffin if she's number one and actually passes Ed Sheeran!
  9. Imagine a moon themed stage setup! I'm quivering. Her best era is upon us!
  10. I don't know about you guys, but I'm ready for Lana's backdrop for when she performs Love live! I wonder what it's gonna be like, cause they are all usually amazing.
  11. Yeah, it is just an outtake. It's from the set of photos of her the cherry dress. If you look at the photo I'm talking about from Another Man, you can see that her hair is done the same way and her hair has that same little part.
  12. I'm glad they finally asked her to smile and stop playing the sad girl!
  13. True! He's been saying so much contradicting shit recently just to save the mess he created. (Not that he leaked "Love" but he's the reason people knew it was out there, along with BAR, and SR.)
  14. But if we get a album cover, do we not get our Love layout?
  15. I have my schools wifi and some pretty useless classes that don't pay attention during this time! I'm so ready to be watching Lana.
  16. you can't! I wish you could though.
  17. there's no way it can be! The floating car part is definitely the beginning of the video, and I know for a fact that car contains Lana, that part is in color! I think she just put a black and white filter over that clip.
  18. okay, my arm bone is cracking from this reach, and it may be the thirst talking, but the more I look at this I believe it. What if "Jealous Girl" isn't the Jealous Girl we are thinking about? What if it's a gender swapped Jealous Guy cover by John Lennon. That would explain the makeup video.
  19. Yeah, I would believe this more if there wasn't such an over-usage of unreleased tracks.
  20. Inb4 it's like the Ride video where she's just singing in a bar for people and driving around on the moon in her car with really high production
  21. Well I'm perfectly fine with Love, and It has be playing all day! I'm not concerned about taking attention away from it when I want it to be popular. Y'all are out to ruin her career by announcing to the boards that something is going to leak. If it is leaking, people will be looking high and low for it, and when they finally find it, it is game over! Did you guys not learn something from the other night?
  22. Do you guys think the music video will still be on the original release date they had planned?
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