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Everything posted by Theodore

  1. WAIT HSUDUDUDUIDI I literally just said last night it feels like her peak in songwriting. AND HERE WE ARE
  2. YES. The melody. The way she sings Sierra Madre. The potential change of pace at some point in the song. The thing I love most about her recent material is that it feels like her best songwriting yet (and she has quite an impeccable track record, so that's saying a lot). And don't even get me STARTED on the masterpiece that is Wildflower Wildfire. Can't wait to write a think piece when it finally drops
  3. On the bright side... if it's a midnight release we *technically* only have to wait until 8 AM Tuesday morning bc [redacted]
  4. Yes. I can't 100% confirm it, but streets are saying that there's a high possibility of Lana singing on this album
  5. I know one damn thing...it better release at MIDNIGHT. One thing I genuinely can't stand is a midday release. Like why??
  6. Imagine if Lana is the one behind the recent surge in popularity of her unreleased songs on Tik Tok over the past year and a half....and this is why
  7. California--> Thunder--> The Greatest Her greatest 123 punch since Shades Of Cool, Brooklyn Baby and West Coast (Yes I have thunder in my NFR tracklist and I won't be changing it when BB is released)
  8. Not him tweeting asking ABC to put him on the bachelor shudufurj. He deleted the tweet after but im too lazy to post screenshots
  9. It's either gonna get the white mustang treatment or not be released at all. Cause now his ass ain't coming back in May either
  10. But she removed all posts of him. Including the Halloween one. Edit: now that I think about it. Was he even at her birthday party?????
  11. Well, he unfollowed her and removed all posts regarding her as well so. I believe she removed his pics from her feed too. But she is still following him.
  12. Clay posting this and he removed all posts regarding Lana on IG as well as unfollowed her....
  13. Theodore

    Doja Cat

    "Aint Sh*t" is the 2021 "Needed Me" by Rihanna. Her MIND
  14. Just recreate the earth without oxygen while you're at it
  15. Wildflower is top 10 of her whole discography. and I think we should have that conversation
  16. Bc Mike Dean confirmed he's working with Lana, and that they "have enough for an album". They heard this, assumed her bop era is coming again. And to be fair, it's a reasonable conclusion to jump to considering Mike's history of work.
  17. It's funny to me how much hate groupie love, summer bummer and white mustang got.. but cinnamongirI girl (which is literally groupie love mixed with white mustang) was praised into oblivion when nfr dropped. gays are just as indecisive with their taste in music as they are their love lives... inch resting
  18. I've said it a thousand times. LMLYLAW was a song from the perspective of her fans. The gays who fell for a str8 man. (Aka All of us) It's a right of passage, tbh.
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