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Everything posted by Theodore

  1. I want an album cover that looks like a painting or a recreation of one by Norman. This one in particular would make a nice cover. And it continues the little mirror tradition she has going. https://d7hftxdivxxvm.cloudfront.net/?resize_to=width&src=https%3A%2F%2Fartsy-media-uploads.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fo75obOSpjYeFWSSlPaLG3A%252FGirl-at-Mirror.jpg&width=1200&quality=80 Edit: OR something similar to those beautiful pics in the paris match shoot. Like the piano one or the one with the license plate. And then have it edited to look like a painting.
  2. OOF. I was looking in February LMAO my bad. Disregard
  3. The 8th is on a Friday too..so maybe it IS cinnamon. Fridays are more commercial. Probably explains why she released the others on Tuesdays. they were buzz singles
  4. It's kinda 50/50. After all he did let her put the good HM cover on the BACK of the CD The Love video/ Album cover shoot actually wasnt that bad. It just wasnt *cover* worthy. It should have been something she released to promote the love video.
  5. Someone asked if she worked with Neil recently.. To which she replied "no I have not worked with Neil" So that's dead
  6. I know you cant force someone to feel a certain way. But It just really hurts my heart knowing how dark of a place she used to be in. I would hate for her to go back to that.sorry if I came off as insensitive And if her sadness is being caused by a guy or toxic ppl then...(polishes shot gun) I just wanna talk to them...
  7. UV 2.0. Everyone glue wont work this time. You need to WELD your wigs to your head. She is C O M I N G. on a side not she better not be depressed again. It's ok to be mellow and reflect on life. But my girl deserves happiness and I will cut anyone who threatens that
  8. The album is "completely done and mastered". And she went on to describe it as "deeply introspective" and on "some sad girl shit".
  9. She said shes not 100% sure tho. But let's just hope she comes through
  10. 12. Become a professional scooter racer.
  11. It boggles my mind that we're still waiting for leaks from an album that came out almost 5 years ago
  12. I'm still dreaming of a hex girl style group featuring Lana, Florence, Marina, and Bat for lashes. It would be the best thing ever. Like seriously. Imagine them all teaming up for a witchy EP and release it in October.
  13. I just feel like this country sound is gonna get old really fast. Like at this rate...by the end of 2019 I'm gonna be completely ready for a new record
  14. How do I put this...um.. Shes a cute girl...but looks can only get u so far
  15. Nooo..the last time she Express delivered something to the studio we got Coachella. I want to save this for the album. Not a single
  16. Chuck filmed some of Lana's performance of VB on her Instagram story
  17. She already has Did u not see the snake in Tropico???
  18. The longer I'm a lana stan, the more impatient I become. This shit is torture. How hard is it to simply tweet what time you're performing. If you can post a picture of trees and a random ass McDonald's sign..you can acknowledge a performance
  19. Watch her announce a single tonight then release on Friday. I have planted that seed and I shall see the harvest
  20. What proof do they have??? Where did they get this info???
  21. It was me..I'm literally hanging with them right now LMAO. Yall want me to ask?
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