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Everything posted by Theodore

  1. Ok but can someone filter an acapella using the Body Electric instrumental
  2. Inb4 the plane turns into the rocket from White Mustang video
  3. Does anyone still listen to You Must Love Me? I do. And Ugh. It makes me long for an EP with songs like that and Wait For Life..and before someone replies "honeymoon says hi" I kindly remind you that not a single song on Honeymoon matches Wait For Life's Production. Mr Emile Haynie snapped on that one. Wish he would have done YMLM too bc it could of used some strings but oh well. still beautiful
  4. She wont acknowledge the gays for some reason. Like...honestly if she can make a whole song telling women to stand proud and strong..she can keep that same energy for the gays that pay her bills
  5. @@Diet Mountain Dew better change their name to Hot Sweet Tea. Gurl spilll
  6. In May of this year I was in Florida on a vacation with my bestfriend. It was like the third day or so into the trip. And it was kinda cloudy, predictions of rain and whatnot. But my friend said the clouds were moving pretty fast so we should sit on the beach and wait it out. And we did. I built a sandcastle and let her kick it when i was done (lmao idk why she just really wanted to , so I let her). and then we both sat on the shore..she was a bit further down from me. Just little moments to ourselves. And as the the clouds continued to move along, I spotted blue in the distance. And I was tempted to play Get Free, but opted to save that for sunset. Instead, I played Beautiful People. And I swear it's like the universe controlled everything around me and made it match the song perfectly. The moment she sang about turtle doves, a crane landed a few feet from me and a flock of birds flew by in the distance. And when the pre chorus kicked in ("We get so tired") the clouds began to part just enough to let a single beam of sunlight shine on the water straight ahead. And when the chorus finally came, the clouds completely broke away and let all the sunshine come out. The rest was pure bliss. Those few moments were so perfect. Like it seems unreal but I promise it all happened. And then...finally.. I calculated what exact time to play Get free so that she sings the last "into the blue" right when the sun escapes into the horizon. And hunnyyyyyyyyy. it was amazing. If you're ever at a beach and have a chance to catch the sunset. Play Get Free. you will NOT regret it.
  7. Imagine if this album has a bunch of Brooklyn baby type tracks. I'd LIVE
  8. Still waiting for her, florence, marina, fka and bat for lashes to release their cover of Hex Girls https://m.youtube.com/watch?feature=youtu.be&v=1P_BlUY2eF4
  9. Off topic but What was the nickname for those 5 songs that leaked?? Including Angels forever and JFK. It was similar to "holy trinity" but with 5.
  10. Someone spill the tea. What's going on
  11. I swear I play it 3 times whenever I drive somewhere
  12. Jaden Walker. https://www.instagram.com/p/Bnb0CX4HWPI/?utm_source=ig_share_sheet&igshid=13g1kp5zr0tsk
  13. I agree MAC and VB have better melodies than anything on LFL. Everything else is just a matter of taste and opinion. i guess.
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