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Everything posted by ChaoticLipster

  1. I really hope lyrically she doesn’t repeat herself on RCS. ‘We did it for fun for free, I’m wild’ ‘candle in the wind’. It would be embarrassing. The words wild, free, blue and baby are banned.
  2. I know the album cover will be as atrocious as COCC maybe worse
  3. Lol not me being here for a scat porn attack...these Billie Elish fans are so bored waiting for When we all go to sleep 2.0.
  4. I’d legit bet for her to say nothing until June and then nothing happens, but optimistic me would probably go early April for another brief mention.
  5. Her inbox os probably a mixture of bribes and death threats.
  6. I keep imagining Ben, Ed and Lana sitting around a table laughing... ”And then I told them June 1st’’ muahahahanah
  7. A title like ‘The Revenge of Lana Del Rey’ would be such a moment.
  8. I’m not expecting it anytime soon I’d bet money on a title change and delay. We just had COCC so I’m not quite as anxious about hearing the next record. I’d advise ya’ll to do think the same to avoid severe disappointment...if she does drop RCS by some miracle then it will a nice surprise.
  9. I know exactly whats going to happen. She’s gonna put out this woke record about how inclusive she is and all the critics are just gonna make her out to be even more racist and cultural appropriating. She’s stoking the fire ?
  10. I feel a long title - ‘I love all the cultures of the world and I’m definitely not an enemy of humanity’
  11. One of the songs should be titled ‘I’m not racist I have black friends’.
  12. She likely got overly excited and her team were like ..’wow ok eerm we can’t actually do that for June you know that Right?’
  13. Probably because it was distracting from all the other COCC adverts
  14. Probably not but I’m pretty sure it’s gonna be another COCC mess. She’g going to put 50 people of color on this album cover as a big fuck you. First track on the album ‘virtue Signalling Forever’.
  15. I hope it’s maybe July - August because COCC has already drained my bank account ...I need time to replenish!
  16. I think it’s possible she’s been hard at work at the album for a few months and maybe it’s not far from done. Jack said ‘now back to the studio’. So the album coming out in summer is doable.
  17. I like the title it’s clever, I hope it’s intense especially if dealer is on it, lots of shouting and calling everyone out that has ever said shit about her. I want In my feelings, Fucked my way up to the top on steroids. Lots of guitar and psychedelic vibes. No more piano lullabies.
  18. I don’t believe anything at all especially when she’s angry
  19. She’s joking she has to be joking I’m in shock. Watch her change the title to something long and ridiculous and push the release by 6 months.
  20. She broke her arm trying to skate herself...then had to get a body double to pretend to be her. Iconic.
  21. The only store I trust is the official universal store. Anything else is dubious. She does tend to sign her name slightly differently sometimes.
  22. We also all buy ridiculous amounts or merch so even if the album sales are not incredible we are still keeping everyone rich lol
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