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Everything posted by ChaoticLipster

  1. It’s because Lana isn’t really working with the same producers and recorded NFR more privately with Jack this time, as for Lust for Life she worked with a wider range of people, in different studios and producers and one of them was likely the person Eclipse has a connection with. But since Marina he has literally had nothing on nobody and is playing everyone and trying to make it look like he knows something.
  2. 50% of Eclipses info is stuff we already basically know or is hidden deep somewhere on a Russian website nobody has bothered to check or knows exist. Then if he get’s it wrong he just comes out with something like ‘oh she must have changed it and scrapped it’. The other stuff he likely get’s from a connection he has to someone who is a producer and a lot of blow jobs later. People should Ignore him because he’s a narcissistic attention whore and thats the worst sort of person. Someone who thrives off the idea they have some elite power and vip privilege and will do anything to get people to lick there ass to feel special.
  3. Yes the American Version is Signed - Lana Del Ray The British version Dame Lana Del Rey
  4. I’m just going to email her store my card details and pin and say take the F***ing lot you may as well at this rate.
  5. Really pissed off I bought the collectors edition unsigned and now they’ve decided to release a signed version. What the fuck..... obviously trying to get fans fl buy more copies. Really not on at all.
  6. We’ve all preordered it anyway in digital, CD,USB, cassette, vinyl, and streamed. Does Lana really have the audacity to scold us? We laid down our coins bitch.
  7. Give it 10 days I’m sure it’s going to leak a week or more earlier.
  8. I’m surprised it’s not....’Bartender fuck me all night’. Oh well sure this will be the tour version.
  9. I feel bad for her because she failed to capitalise on the hype and by the time melodrama came out the general public were over her and her type of music was no longer fresh and relevant. This is why Lana is ‘Queen of Alternative’ because she’s had 4 successful studio album and an EP in 5 years and lust for life sold basically the same as Melodrama.
  10. I’m not listening to snippets anymore even if Lana releases more. I want this to be fresh when the album drops. Not tormented by ‘in your car in the car’ by the time I actually have the song.
  11. Nooo....maybe she’s just closing her twitter account. I don’t know her past history tbh
  12. ChaoticLipster


    Yep it’s quite a strange song...when she first mentioned it I thought it was going to be a very slow ballad. Sounds so interesting I already love it.
  13. It’s going to be high up maybe ranked 2 at the very least
  14. Whats going what did she say?
  15. *with Looking for America I’m glad and surprised I’m not on it
  16. Any news on the double single? Don’t tell me the bitch is going to release it like a week before....
  17. So when is the greatest and fuck it I love you coming
  18. I find the cover a bit boring but it’s a nice fall song to chill to and play in the car.
  19. It’s a throw away song ...the ‘In my feelings’ of the album.
  20. I don’t get the obsession to sign things like I just want her to like say hello and acknowledge me, thank her for the music. It’s too much all the screaming and begging.
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