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Everything posted by ChaoticLipster

  1. I’m guessing the singles are coming Wednesday or Friday? I’m sure she will release one more song a week before the album too. NFR most likely.
  2. Wait sis you have not heard it yet. 20 second snippets are not enough to go by.
  3. It will be truly a heavenly moment when we play Love Song (In your car) and it finally rolls into the next verse/chorus. It will be like doves being released from cages during sunrise.
  4. All forums are like this you have to suck it up. The mods won’t do anything unless it’s like death threats, racism etc. Then they might act. Otherwise it’s a case of ignoring it. We do get very bitchy here but it’s rarely actually personal. Like calling someone ‘delusional and you must be sick in the head’ for not liking the album cover for example. Sound horrible but it’s not really that bad it’s banter.
  5. It’s now we did it all for fame
  6. I’m sorry I like the neon green. I don’t think blue goes with the album, at all.
  7. Soon we will have enough beach and surf vibe songs to create a whole album. West Cost High by the beach 13 beaches Marinas Apartment Complex Venice Bitch
  8. Lana’s next album should be called ‘Mother Fucking Teresa’ about women who think they’re angels but are really horrible underneath it all. The album cover would be her on the side of a boat drowning a bitch
  9. I don’t really care if she debuts at 90 tbh. I care about the music. But I understand she needs to do somewhat well to please her record company so they keep paying for stuff. Number 2 will be good enough
  10. There was no rape Timothy made that clear by all the stuff she said before and after. They had sex, Timothy not verbally but obviously signalled it was ok. Then she comes back saying she forced her and was rape....anyone could say that. Every time you have sex with someone do you sign a consent form? No. You start touching and kissing by there body language if they’re into you continue. That’s how sex is for most people. If she said no she probably would have stopped straight away.
  11. So far I only like two of the songs. I hope that changes.
  12. Liked the trailer disappointed it didn’t have new songs
  13. No wonder she teased so many songs...because there is so much more to them.
  14. I’m in shock the title lengths not what I expected. Much longer....yes!
  15. My god we still talking about vinyls...we already know it’s going to be blue. Guys
  16. I laughed when people said BAR would be on the record....now I feel like a clown
  17. I don’t mind the cover but not sure about the dude....prefer just Lana.
  18. Some stans, they want the same thing over and over. Same car, same outfit. She’s done 4 albums with cars time to move on. It’s boats now!
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