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Everything posted by ChaoticLipster

  1. I was thinking if a petition to her Label and Management for transparency, communication and to stop releasing uncertain dates. Probably would need 10-15k signatures, problem is Ben her manager is a bit of a moody asshole and is very much like Lana that nothing is ever their problems it’s everyone else's and can’t handle criticism..with the same old stock answer ‘ Lana is a real artist she does things her way have patience or you are a fake fans and bullies!’ Ignoring the fact it’s to do with rudely announcing fake dates not patience. But maybe the Label would take it seriously and at least have a word with them about dropping uncertain release dates.
  2. I think most of us knew it was delayed we just couldn’t face up to it. Lana may give us amazing music and is very talented but she’s still human with many obvious flaws like lying, poor planning and indecisiveness. We have to learn to just Ignore her until preorders drop.
  3. Sunday will be know as the July 4th Massacre if nothing happens
  4. Another thing in favour is the fact she dropped 3 singles with no word, no promotion. So It could be the same for the album.
  5. Mike may be the best addition to Lana’s team in years
  6. With respect that guy would not understand music if it smacked him in the face, he’s misogynistic and seems to mostly only praise male artists. It’s clear his music taste is sexist. I don’t think we should give him our time.
  7. Disappointed my album and magazine have still not arrived, this is very poor from her label. They keep blaming Covid-19…seriously I’ve had albums from independent artists arrive at my door on the day. So don’t give me the pandemic excuse. If it’s not here next week I’m asking for a refund.
  8. I hear great potential but you can tell ghese are not properly produced at all and need quite a bit of work. I hope she’s continued to work on them but it’s been so long now I genuinely think she’s given up.
  9. I believe he came on here playing victim (as usual), mods and admins defended him and warned us not to criticise him. Something like that? Lol
  10. I’m sorry I don’t believe that, just saying what’s happening with an album on Instagram…I can’t see how that would cause a media backlash unless she is incapable of going on a rant about culture or trump.
  11. I’ve said above it’s not about entitlement or lack of appreciation, it’s just about having some decency and respect. Just because she’s fed us doesn’t give her a right fuck people around constantly it’s completely uncalled for an unprofessional. She has no respect to update her fans. She needs to show some appreciation for US, we buy her music and practically worship the ground she walks on…she could at least say what the fuck is happening it’s ludicrous. So Yes, now I’ve got it out my system
  12. Not my point, just that she can easily tell us what’s going on it isn’t difficult. Other artists don’t do this sort of thing. I appreciate all she’s done and all she’s doing, just better communication would be appreciated it costs her absolutely nothing. With COCC fans had to corner her at her poetry signing to find out what’s going on..it’s bonkers. Ok you get the emotional abuse comment out your system, I’m fine with everyone having a laugh if it makes them feel better.
  13. I know, I just can’t really think of a better term. I’m not saying it’s like full on emotional abuse that’s why I said borderline. I had an ex who would do something similar, would arrange a date to go out and meet and not show, no texts nothing. Then days later would arrange another date. It’s not quite as deep as this, but the feeling is similar. It plays around with your emotions, when you love someone and something makes you excited..to play around with that and not give a fuck is abusive.
  14. She’s going to say nothing all week and on July 4th, it’s really not on at all. We should make it clear how we feel, but she cannot take criticism or responsibility for anything so it’s a lost cause. I’m also puzzled why her management can’t see our point of view that announcing multiple bogus release dates is confusing to fans, borderline emotional abuse and unprofessional. If she’s going to treat her fans this badly and not have decency to tell us what’s going on then why should we pay for her music and overpriced merchandise? all she needs to say is ‘dates changed again sorry, still working on the music to make it extra special love you all’ it’s not really that hard. She doesn’t seem to be aware of how things affect other people it comes across as selfish.
  15. Please Lana save us from Ed Sheeran and his disease ridden music that never goes away
  16. Tik Tok is a cesspool of teens stripping and getting likes from pedo’s, and minimally talented ‘influencers’ getting paid shit loads for cringe inducing videos. So it’s no wonder Tik Tok brings the worst out of this fan base.
  17. Beautiful but why the fuck didn’t she ask about the album for the love of god
  18. So we have absolutely no indication of anything…one week before the supposed release date. This isn’t good.
  19. I don’t plan on listening to the reimagined songs. She should have put 6 unreleased songs on the album like Princess Die. What a wasted opportunity
  20. It should be the album title!! Six Trips To The Moon And Back
  21. Copying Marina. Anything short of 12 songs is an EP in my opinion
  22. About her music, calling her out as abusive. It seemed like they resolved things a few years back but now it’s cold shoulders again so something has happened.
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