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Everything posted by ChaoticLipster

  1. I want the lyrics to go like… You sleep like a Tesla quiet like a baby Then you make hot love to me like a Land Rover Hangin' out the Hilton Hotel windows Screamin', "Oohh Baby, let's go"
  2. You taking this waaay too seriously …the first comment was a joke. But Lana is actually privileged really, some people would kill to make music for a living. It can be a challenge, but I find it difficult to say being a musician is a super hard work compared to other professions. I mean it’s not like she’s going down a coal mine to create music lmfao. The most challenging part is probably the attention and media.
  3. It’s probably because they love her music more so have overrated everything. I’d be surprised if I personally find it that great. But we shall see.
  4. I don’t think we hearing anything till the end of august at the earliest. Sorry to be negative
  5. This does not sound believable though, 10/10 on nearly every track. But the songs she’s put out so far are like a 7. I’d love it to be true though.
  6. I agree, Dealer hasn’t really excited me that much…I bet it’s nothing special maybe something similar to dance until we die with her screaming on the bridge for 15 seconds.
  7. Lol…but It is owned by us when we buy it….I mean we could get bored and then not bother emptying our pockets ? If she wants to be vague that’s great but we can be vague about paying for her music.
  8. If I told my lecturer I’d hand in my assignment Later Later….I’d get an F ? The sort of shit Lana pulls doesn’t work in the real world it seems… only with us deluded fans who put up with it.
  9. Billies new album will be dead on arrival, hype for her has dropped 50-60%…she will sell ok first week then drop. She had too much success too early in her career and her new music is average, Taylor is Taylor, it’s a mystery to me how she’s as successful and not had more flops…but I guess her fans and a lot of the general public see her as a god.
  10. I still think it’s poor to have only 10 songs, it has less replay value. An album should be 15 songs. Her music is quite repetitive and playing songs over and over can get tiring. If she just had a few more varied songs it would take hold better.
  11. It’s also because many of us are bored with ballads and it seems to be an album full of them is on the way. Imagine if she shared a snippet of something that sounded like Serene Queen …hype would jump through the roof. Fans were excited when Lana stated she ‘wanted revenge’ that conjured up images of fast paced songs, with fire and shouty angry music (dealer). Now it’s just all gone limp, whilst her ballads are beautiful it’s become stale and I’m sad to say predictable.
  12. Maybe she feels it’s an attack on her success…like an insecurity that deep down she isn’t as successful as she wanted to be. So she gets defensive when people call her poor as this alludes to her not being so successful.
  13. Ok a LOT lol…I didn’t want Marina stans after me
  14. She’s a little pretentious at times
  15. ChaoticLipster


    You’d have to be more than stoned at the salon to have this opinion…you’d need to be on crack.
  16. ChaoticLipster


    At least with Lordes new music you can listen to it more than once
  17. ChaoticLipster


    I forgot about that my god…
  18. ChaoticLipster


    I can imagine Lana on the phone to jack ‘you are such a slut, when you told me that melody was made especially for me? But you’re just pulling stuff out the left overs draw that impressed other girls’
  19. ChaoticLipster


    But does she care? No she doesn’t
  20. ChaoticLipster


    I think the album will leak within 2 weeks. Concluding the full circle of a weak era
  21. ChaoticLipster


    I wanted mood ring hq
  22. ChaoticLipster


    I briefly mentioned her, She is an alternative/indie pop artist…..
  23. ChaoticLipster


    Her, Billie and Lana seem to be very subpar lately. They need the energy back….the songs are just NOT it. It’s embarrassing that Olivia Rodrigo is doing a better job ? All three need a good slap and a new sound and production. I fear fans will start dropping off otherwise.
  24. ChaoticLipster


    Did she have anything to say on Zane lowe?? Where is the interview
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