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Everything posted by ChaoticLipster

  1. I’d be ok with that title, This sounds a little fake though
  2. I think a song like Mystery of Love - Sufjan Stevens would really suit Blue Banisters
  3. Don’t feel bad it’s cool, thanks for understanding ♥️
  4. ChaoticLipster


    California I thought was a little flat at first but it grew on me. Mood Ring..it’s hard to tell because the quality is so bad and most of it is muffled. It’s giving me these early 00s vibes for some weird reason.
  5. Thanks ??…My thought process just isn’t very logical sometimes it’s all on emotions. I then come back the next day in a better mental state and feel embarrassed by the total shit I’ve posted
  6. She can’t possibly release an album called Blue Banisters and the Vinyl not be a shade of blue.
  7. I think this has been misunderstood by many here, mentioning trauma does not necessarily mean it’s equal to physical or sexual abuse or PTSD. Some people might say ‘my job interview was traumatic’. Or ‘this Movie was traumatic’….so it’s in the same context as me saying Lana messing me around with album releases is traumatic. As an abuse survivor I did NOT mean to devalue anyones experience of trauma they’ve had, I did not mean to suggest it’s comparable to abuse or PTSD. So I apologise for that. I have Borderline Personality Disorder, So I get upset over small things more easily, so the whole saga with Lana and release dates and uncertainty might bother me more than a lot of people. So I can understand why it seems so ridiculous to many here. I do totally agree it is not Lana’s job to cater to my mental health, so maybe my comments were too much and for that I also Apologise.
  8. This is the Lana I have been missing
  9. ChaoticLipster


    Mood ring leaked in LQ and California leaked a few weeks ago in full HQ
  10. She will eventually become like Lorde in terms of popularity. Having said that it’s extremely hard to have back to back albums sell the same or better.
  11. Ugh… It is Lana’s problem it’s disrespectful and unprofessional. It wasn’t a long time ago it was twice like a few months ago and with COCC. Regardless of my MH comment, she should have just said TBD to begin with. But it is what it is
  12. What? I never said abuse and trauma…..I said she didn’t care about fans with MH issues to keep toying with our emotions about release dates and not being clear. No it isn’t that deep but it’s still rude to fans to act this way and unprofessional. That is what I was trying to say. Billboard rules make zero sense and it also punishes artists on smaller labels where physicals may take longer to get done.
  13. Perhaps she should focus on what’s happening now.. maybe?
  14. ChaoticLipster


    Thats a campaign I’m talking about engagement like tweeting and building hype
  15. ChaoticLipster


    True, that can be the case, but social media engagement is free it’s not costly. So If I were a label I’d still expect some effort by the artists I’ve signed.
  16. ‘sHe DoSn’t OwE Us aNythiNg wah wan wah’ same old bullshit I keep hearing on here and it’s tiring…Yes she does owe her fans, she owes them respect and to keep screwing us around is disrespect. It’s fine that she does not know a release date and is undecided on album titles, but to pretend like she knows, even let release dates roll by with no info is just rude and unprofessional. You know what other artists do? They keep their mouth shut until they know a date and everything has a green light. I think Lana owes us everything we’ve supported her all these years, her fan base has given her this success because the general public abandoned her after summertime sadness. Otherwise she’d still be in dive bars and writing poetry nobody will ever read or hear. I don’t think we ask for much, a little engagement a little transparency and clear communication. I appreciate not everyone finds music release a big deal, maybe it isn’t that deep no…but if you think about it it’s not that deep or hard for Lana to be more clear and respectful either.
  17. ChaoticLipster


    It really surprises me how labels are allowing this. It should be contract they promote and use social media. Overall they seem not to care about artists these days and get left to rot.
  18. I think it would piss anyone off if to keep changing things all the time. Many people who follow Lana have MH issues and find comfort in her music. whether Lana likes it or not she has fans that worship her and her music is a huge part of their life. So she at least owes people some respect and not to blurt out uncertain release dates which wind fans up.
  19. My thought is single late October and album some time early next year.
  20. Sure, but the confusion she’s bringing isn’t exactly helpful or necessary. This does not happen with other artists.
  21. It’s not even that it’s just her personality in general that is grating on me along with the messy releases. I’m all for looking after mental health, but she sure as fuck doesn’t care about our mental health or emotional state the way she dicks us around.
  22. Lorde will be lucky to make top 3 so she doesn’t need to block her, honestly I find Lorde’s album and new songs more interesting I have more hype for Solar Power than BB.
  23. The songs are good, just not what l personally wanted from her. But could have been released better it was really anticlimactic.
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