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Everything posted by ChaoticLipster

  1. Lack of engagement with fans, being very messy and causing total confusion , lying about release dates when she should really not say anything, the whole question for the culture saga, constantly going on and posting about people I really don’t care about (Nikki lane etc.) Making us think she’s going to release an album with fire and energy ‘I want revenge’ then gives us slow minimal production ballads…I could go on that’s just off the top of my head. But it’s a real hype killer. She seems like she’s on another planet at times and not really grounded…she has this ‘oh I do whatever, who cares’ attitude and I don’t really like it.
  2. I don’t like the way I feel about Lana at the moment, I feel irritated by her and underwhelmed it’s hard to say but I almost feel like I don’t like her personality at all as of late…so it’s affected my anticipation for Blue Banisters. I just want to go back to loving her again as a person not just for her music?
  3. ChaoticLipster


    Probably won’t hear anything until the middle of next week
  4. ChaoticLipster


    Eclipse does not have the best music taste in the world it’s his opinion. He’s right about some things but not always. So take it with a pinch of salt.
  5. I feel like this is the pre pre pre release thread
  6. Yes it’s a great treatment for insomnia…knocks me right out.
  7. ChaoticLipster


    Oh no it’s gonna leak before that…the next few hours hopefully
  8. I can’t stand them I really can’t…she needs to release part 2 of the album or bonus tracks
  9. More word don’t matter if the construction of lyrics is poor. It’s what you do with the lyrics not how many there are.
  10. If this was not release an album on time I’d be very rich by picking Lana Del Rey
  11. ChaoticLipster


    Yeah I’ve been thinking that a long time that the album should be considered as a whole. Also how on earth does a label let people have an album for 6 months, that’ just crazy. If I ran a label and found out someone was leaking information I’d do an internal investigation and that person terminated or sued. So we should be thankful they don’t seem to care.
  12. You seem to take everything out of context, like I didn’t mean forever just during her court case. It was a little exaggeration on my part, I thought it came across that way in my post.
  13. Yes anything could happen, but I think the point was she should not be giving them ammo. It’s very possible it won’t have a big impact, a lot of variables at play here and if her case is argued correctly.
  14. Well let’s hope she doesn’t hire you as a lawyer, she’d probably be committed to an asylum by the time you’re finished.
  15. Lol exactly you’ve proven my point another strawman argument. Thank you
  16. You keep twisting stuff and posting irrelevant strawman arguments this is embarrassing girl..take a break.
  17. I think your completely missing the point that courts don’t give a fuck about ‘Britney being in charge of Britney my tits my body’. They won’t see it like that, she’s not going to achieve anything by being defiant in what courts would class as obscene. ‘If she wanted too, she should!!! Tits aren’t illegal’. Ok lmfao we are clearly not going anywhere with this conversation.
  18. Maybe Britney should just get her tits out in court ‘look at these! My tits my body’ according to wilfosshizzles logic this act of defiance will change the courts forever and Britney will walk out a free woman!! ?
  19. I’d like the song with strings it would be so emotional
  20. No of course I don’t have a problem with breasts…It’s not how I think it’s how the courts think and how they see this you dumb ass. What you are saying is immature, I sure hope you don’t have to go to court for any reasons because you will make a very poor example of yourself with that attitude. If you want to have a ‘protest’ that’s fine but it’s a tad bit delusional to think any of this will change a very broken and prejudice justice system it just won’t. Playing smart is the better option in the long term, she can do this stuff later.
  21. Oh I’m sorry my mistake…I thought you were an actual person engaging in intellectual conversation not on a soap box somewhere. Some of us live in the real world I guess. All evidence is considered yes, and anything can come up at any time. Social media is someone’s interactions and how they converse with others…how is that not important in regards to mental health? I’m a Britney Fan so I don’t know what planet you’re on but it clearly isn’t earth, You lack understanding of how courts work in the U.S..they are racist and misogynistic and will prejudice your case whenever they see fit.
  22. They definitely 100% take notice of social media and it’s often used to judge character. It’s also the context of what she’s doing randomly getting your breasts out on Instagram would be seen as ‘out of character’ likely trying to emphasis her shifting moods and behaviours. Maybe you’ve not seen enough documentaries involving lawsuits…they’ve seriously shown far worse then this lol but you are free to disagree at least you provided an intellectual response unlike some here.
  23. Of course she can, but if you were in court fighting for your freedom with this sort of stuff being looked at….you’d put the jugs away. The courts are a show, it’s not about right or wrong it’s about who can lie and act the best and ridiculous things like this can be used against you as a sign of being out of control.
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