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Everything posted by ChaoticLipster

  1. She’s like a naughty child, we keep telling her to stop she does it more. It’s like she heard all the whining about the album art, changing release dates and titles etc. We need to just keep bombarding her with how much we love the confusion and Picart covers and beg her to change it up again for fun…reverse psychology!
  2. When it get’s to the end of may and she announces another album ‘The Magic Flying Carpet’ coming August 5th.
  3. Yikes ? I can’t believe I woke up to this. Lana is so predictable now, changing the album name and the release date which also seems unbelievable.
  4. Marina also…10-11 tracks is just lazy.
  5. I really love it…no overhyped bullshit and no features. She looks beautiful…this album gives me Adele vibes for some reason.
  6. I like Billie, but don’t like the hype around her and over praise. It would be better if she was more on Lana's level it would give her more creative freedom due to less pressure to peform. I’m worried the success will warp her eventually.
  7. Well you know, slow piano songs. I love them. But not what I want for this album.
  8. It’s funny, because Lana has been pandering to the critics for 2 albums now with soft little uncontroversial piano lullabies. Now she’s gonna come out with an album that has fire and revenge and a big FUCK you to critics?? I don’t buy that at all...it’s gonna be more lullabies like White Dress and Let me Love you like a women.
  9. This idea Sky is not releasing because of her label isn’t quite true. I think part is because she wants a bigger budget and more promotion, but a lot of it is her health and trouble sitting down in a studio and actually working on the thing consistently to a high standard. Then she doesn’t feel happy with the recorded songs when she does record. Labels these days rarely put much promotion into new artists until they organically start to show potential, let alone one that debuted nearly a decade ago. She can’t be this delusional to think she’d get a full multimillion dollar promotion package. Her label are right nobody does care at this stage like a few thousand people. She’s been her own demise, so many other artists have managed with the same contacts it’s all excuses.
  10. Buttered Noodles on the Veranda, a little bowl of heaven...no more candles in the wind.
  11. Blue Banisters kind of sounds boring tbh It does not sound exciting
  12. Those Twitter update accounts which constantly post ‘?????’ annoy the fuck out of me like please stop. Most of the times it’s nothing we don’t already know.
  13. I think we should pull a major ARTPOP Act II style campaign if she fails to release or give news on June 1st. Petition - ‘Lana Del Rey stop emotionally bullying fans with fake release dates and lack of transparency and change your name to Liar Del Rey.’
  14. She will say nothing till June 1st...then she will post ‘I love beans’ with a picture of Charlies ass.
  15. Annoyed it’s not 14-15 songs. Short albums get repetitive
  16. 6 weeks 4 days till we are all severely disappointed
  17. I don’t think Marina nor Lana realise how much they suit each other
  18. It’s so nice of Marina to write a song about us
  19. She could of easily said, song or single...I’m starting to think she gets off on us being confused and not knowing.
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