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Everything posted by rumandrit

  1. Ugh haven't been able to read since SB and GL I missed all the fun but just stumbled on the snippets on Twitter (way l8 2 par-T) and can I just say when the chorus of god bless america kicked in... tears. she came thru.
  2. I hope the extended release includes "Fine China" Remix by Cedric Gervais More on topic.... Shouldn't she be releasing a single like July 4 or July 3 for America's bday. Seems more on brand. I mean I want it yesterday but smh @ lack of thought into release.
  3. Maybe she went to her mgmt and was like y'all I get stalked enough already I aint about to try and get more publicity. I like the casual approach. Like I want her to sell best ever forever, but when ~other stars~ do all that heavy promo you cannot escape (tv/radio/well timed feud/online/etc) ... it always comes off as tooo thirsty. Already coolest, hoes can come for it.
  4. Maybe it's intentionally under promoted for the aesthetic, as for the delay... ya... pls release asap. my cherries and winee rosemary and thyYyme What if she did a reimagining of "All Smiles" for the deluxe. It fits the theme.
  5. I feel like I can now definitely hear the album having an acoustic reimagining of "Dark Paradise" kind of a mix between Terrence Loves You and Brooklyn Baby but with gunshot sounds.
  6. I agree. I love it. I did at first think the production and the vocal doesn't quite mesh, it's too loud for what's a chiller and not particularly sharp song. I love it though. Odd juxtaposition has always been her thing. L4L > Love > Coachella >>>>>>>>> BAR
  7. Fingers crossed for acoustic 'Dark Paradise' bonus track.... who would feat...
  8. Honestly.... When I first read ab this this week I was like cool w/e But when lana got involved I'm like ok got it I'm a witch now. Lana calls imma come thru (video in progress): eta from snapchat: and I was also shooting w the cool vhs app:
  9. I was gonna say omg that's my album title but you posted it before :-0 ~magic~ or did I subconsciously see yours before I made mine. Either way im now convinced its gonna be called Eclipse bc of the endshot @ love video
  10. "Where I hope we are all headed"
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