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Terrence Loves Me


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Thank you so much! There are a few moments that i cringe at now after making it but i tried to capture the anger and frustration the song gives off. I remember when i first heard it, for some reason i thought of my childhood and just growing up in general. The loss of innocence and how cruel the world can be. I wanted to use the shots of britney being chased by the paparazzi because she was always such an innocent, angel-like role model to me when i was younger, and to see her in such a sad situation was really hard hitting, and just shows how materialistic the world is. Its weird to think how desperate they are to get the money grabbing shot, they forget there's a scared 24 year old girl in distress on the verge of suicide right in front of them, just trying to make it home safely. It really shows how souless and cruel humans can be, but yeah anyway i loved the song so much, her vocals are soooo good towards the end


Thats amazing, and yeah Britney does fit in there! Oh that angel :(

I am so surprised that I didn't think much about the title song when the album first came out. I know it's a very powerful song, one of the most fierce and intense album openers I know of, yet I never connected it to myself and my childhood when I know that's what the song is for!

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I fucking adore her. Found her music in November 2021 when I was lurking here, thanks to @Ultra Violet. Be My Man is one of my all-time favorite songs. Slow Fade is also amazing. But Stockholm Syndrome and Meek left me shocked and on my knees, that kind of music is so unique and brilliant :defeated:


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First song in 5 years is released on Spotify, called "HA!". It sounds a lot like her earlier work for Chrysalis <3

She also now uses Patreon for early releases and extra things, but personally im still taking a break from Patreon for a while.

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