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Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread

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do we know that it's not coming this friday? i mean it could

ive been secretly hoping it is but just not saying bc ive been dragged enough for my delusion. but since its coming to radio the 20th id assume they would do it the friday before (the 17th)

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jus*** bi**** and ed sh***n are releasing this friday :(




"You can't be a muse and be happy, too.

You can't blacken the pages with Russian poetry and be happy." - Blue Banisters


I asked Asmodeus (the demon of lust) to make Miley Cyrus suffer. I am not happy with these new developments. After Miley rips off Lana's aesthetic, she bullies Lana into changing her release date. It is infuriating. 


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In other words, she’s an extrovert in the genuine, original Jungian sense of the term.


Extroverts like to be a part of the group and like to join groups, suffer a lot when alone or isolated, and tend to temporarily take on the group identity or what they feel is expected of them in a given situation, whether it’s soccer mom, heroin dilettante, club kid, pretty young neighbor, pop star girlfriend, Instagram influencer, dutiful daughter or granddaughter, new mother, Gucci representative or whatever.

we STAN an esfp kween :lanahairflip:


As an infj, I get the whole "chameleon" thing. I get doing it; what I don't like is letting it take over. When I need to act a certain way, either around family or at work/school, I will. Sometimes we need to be civil and/or professional when we'd rather not, it's just a part of life. And, as cringy as it sounds, I too contain multitudes :toofunny: I'm all over the place! I've alwys been several people, at the same time. And all of it was & is genuine. When I'm with my 40-90 year old academic friends, I don't start rambling about highlighters and eyeliner techniques for hooded eyes. When I'm with my mua & model friends, I don't try to force them into conversations about fascist architecture, direct democracy or why Dali was trash. I don't see it as being fake, deceitful or two-faced. There's a time and place for everything. Different people and different crowds can bring out different sides of your personality.


But when you find a person or a group of people that you want in your life, and decide you're willing to become anyone & anything you need to be to appeal to them, that's a problem. It's a problem when you want people to like you so badly that you morph into something that will be easier for them to like than your real self. When you edit & censor yourself not just for coworkers, neighbors, acquaintances and family members you wish deep down you weren't related to, but for close friends and romantic partners too. That's tragic. You can't still be putting up a front behind closed doors. Around people who are supposed to be your inner circle. I could be 100% wrong here, and I hope I'm wrong, but I've always got the impression that this is Lana's go-to m.o.


tl;dr = I like you a lot / So I do what you want

I'm kinda focused on being a baddie right now. I can't really work.

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I just woke up but has this been discussed? BITCH IS ON THE SET OF A MUSIC VIDEO (via Chuck's IG story) Hang on, it might be old ... checking




This is from 2015 bud

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This is from 2015 bud


Yeahhh just realised I'd seen it before and almost cried. False alarm.


Anyway, at this point, we should move this thread into the "Rumours" section ... 

ur legit gonna look the same stop buying oil of Olay face cream

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Shit. If Lana has a song for the new Maleficent movie in October, we're probably not getting this album until January lol. 

"Top of the year" indeed 

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Maybe it’s a matter of opinion then, because to me it’s the simplest explanation. lol To contradict the label theory, it’s true, they’d make less money with the way Lana’s currently releasing it, so why would they be the ones holding/shelving NFR? Lana has repeatedly stated in interviews over the years that her label gives her more and more freedom to do what she wants. Remember the conflict during UV? It was a difficult process to get it released since the label didn’t see the $$$ they could get from it, but they were proven wrong because her fan base came through and it debuted at number 1 on the charts. Jump to now and they were seriously not on board with her releasing a 10 minute song, and Lana said “nah, this is what’s gonna happen b”, and guess what? She released Venice Bitch and NFR is still written as being a heavily anticipated album. Although Lana is not the typical mainstream artist, Lana is still getting a lot of praise. So in their eyes, the label is at a point of giving her enough freedom to go at her own pace in releasing songs since it’s been turning well in her favor.


Now for the poetry book being a part of the reason- that’s not complicated either. She’s posting poems, photographs and snippets of what she’s written for the book. I’m sure it takes time to release a poetry book and with her focus mostly on that at the moment, I’m sure that’s what her mind is mostly on. + Look at the cover she also did for this upcoming documentary? More $$$ for the label and Lana. She’s chilling and doesn’t give af. If you want more proof of that- look to her social media. Overall, I don’t think it’s that complicated to accept as true. lol

I have never advocated the ‘record company is holding it up’ theory on its own, only that they may have had to in light of a possible injunction from the Rockwell Estate. But Interscope having some other motive for doing so I have never believed.


To my way of thinking, Interscope probably finds the poetry book a colossal pain in the ass and realizes it has no commercial potential in any way, not even as added synergy potential for the album’s publicity. Few if any self-published books make any mark; most are pure vanity projects that sink like stones. Even here on this board of Stans, not a great many people have shown interest in the book or the individual poems she’s shared.

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She's admitted herself she's the reason for the album delay but like... why is her record label letting her? @Interscope just snatch the hard drive and release it fat 

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You know, a month ago it was all poetry, poetry, poetry, and everyone was like "WHERE THE FUCK IS YOUR ALBUM?", and now it's just Insta saddie shit + the snippet (which I maintain we only got because she had to say something because of the doco) ... and the poetry has disappeared. 


No news about the book, no poems ... what the fuck? Has she lost interest in that, too? 


The only reason I care is because we ain't gettin' the album 'til we get that. 


I have nfi what that bitch is doing. 

ur legit gonna look the same stop buying oil of Olay face cream

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ok put me in a clown costume and call me president of speculation nation but honestly the only theory that makes real sense to me, as far as the album delay, is that she's depressed and just doesn't care about nfr anymore. i don't want to be some self-important armchair psychologist and run around throwing diagnoses at people with my absolute and total lack of any qualifications, but i just think it's a strong possibility, based on my own experiences. i went through something like this a few months ago where i just absolutely lost all interest and motivation toward what has been my number one passion for essentially my whole life, and it was, to put it mildly, fucking miserable. i know that, for myself, i absolutely cannot put work or effort into anything unless i'm somehow inspired by it or convinced of its importance, and when i lose interest there's no way it will happen. i have to wonder if she's in a similar boat. i know i'm the first to trash her up and down and call her lazy and irresponsible for not communicating with us, but i do genuinely feel bad if it's a mental health thing bc i can empathize.

Words out of my mouth. I know I'm probably being mean, but as someone who has struggled with manic depression my whole life (ty childhood trauma!  ^_^), and also has to live with major anxiety, bpd, ptsd (ty men I trusted not to hurt me! ^_^), and several serious physical health problems, I simply don't have limitless patience for her shit. I can't empathize without criticizing; if I hold myself accountable for the stupid things I do, why shouldn't I hold you too? And I'm a thousand times harder on myself than I am on anyone else. Nobody ever grew by being allowed to get away with everything. Even those of us with mental health issues. We all need to understand that actions have consequences. I think the main problem here is her immaturity, irresponsibility and lack of self-awareness. I feel for her, like I always have, but I don't have the patience to make excuse after excuse for her and her behavior.

I'm kinda focused on being a baddie right now. I can't really work.

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She's admitted herself she's the reason for the album delay but like... why is her record label letting her? @Interscope just snatch the hard drive and release it fat

Short of an official press release from Interscope, I don’t know why anyone would trust anything she ‘admits’ or says about the new record. She and Ben and her other handlers can say anything they want, and have, and it’s s come to nothing.

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we STAN an esfp kween :lanahairflip:


As an infj, I get the whole "chameleon" thing. I get doing it; what I don't like is letting it take over. When I need to act a certain way, either around family or at work/school, I will. Sometimes we need to be civil and/or professional when we'd rather not, it's just a part of life. And, as cringy as it sounds, I too contain multitudes :toofunny: I'm all over the place! I've alwys been several people, at the same time. And all of it was & is genuine. When I'm with my 40-90 year old academic friends, I don't start rambling about highlighters and eyeliner techniques for hooded eyes. When I'm with my mua & model friends, I don't try to force them into conversations about fascist architecture, direct democracy or why Dali was trash. I don't see it as being fake, deceitful or two-faced. There's a time and place for everything. Different people and different crowds can bring out different sides of your personality.


But when you find a person or a group of people that you want in your life, and decide you're willing to become anyone & anything you need to be to appeal to them, that's a problem. It's a problem when you want people to like you so badly that you morph into something that will be easier for them to like than your real self. When you edit & censor yourself not just for coworkers, neighbors, acquaintances and family members you wish deep down you weren't related to, but for close friends and romantic partners too. That's tragic. You can't still be putting up a front behind closed doors. Around people who are supposed to be your inner circle. I could be 100% wrong here, and I hope I'm wrong, but I've always got the impression that this is Lana's go-to m.o.


tl;dr = I like you a lot / So I do what you want

omg im an infj as well <3

Lana Del Rey Honeymoon GIF

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