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Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread

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I actually just want the full title track rn its so beautiful, it sounds like One and Only by Adele mixed with Beautiful Disaster by Kelly Clarkson (the live piano version) along w hints of this song from the Marie Antoinette movie




Idk, the whole thing just feels like Lana’s most personal song to date, a secret glimpse inside her mind, so intimate and sappy and beautiful I just need it rn


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What realistically would be the opening/closer? Opening I’m pretty sure should be MAC. I honestly feel like NFR belongs more in the middle? And closing would be VB or IYC (although I can see IYC as an opening, interlude, OR closer, IYC transcends time present and time past tbh)


If IYC ends up being an interlude I may just cry myself to sleep

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watch her never release the HIAB mv 


isn't it just the same footage of her holding butterflies with her dancers that we've seen already? she can keep it

You call me lavender, you call me sunshine.

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Even if the vids we've gotten so far have just been hodgepodges of clips put together, I think, or at least, I like how it lends a lot more to the imagination. More sorta like supplements to the music, than really directing it like she has before. Kinda like how MTWBT did.

Venice is actually pretty stable, its just that MAC feels more like an offical audio vid than a mv, and the recycled footage almost begs other fans to want more than what theyve already seen, but really, beach industrial's been the main aesthetic for this era so far. I mean, fucking Long Beach. LONG BEACH. I'm personally in love


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Mm also, I think, well at least for me, how it's been a bit more difficult or less effortless its been trying to figure out the track order's bc a lot of the tracks we've heard so far are really stable on their own. Venice, MAC, then HiaDT, Cinnamon and HiaB are kinda like the Summer Bummer nd Groupie Love for this record, then IYC, seems supplemental to either Venice or HiaB. The title track, feels strangely the most fresh yet still being directly attached to the record because of its very title and main concept (all from what we've heard so far)

MAC is pretty strong, so it could either open the record, for a memorable, kind of glorious introduction to it, or close itbecause of how triumphant and clear it sounds. 
Cinnamon, from what we've heard so far, seems dependent to the record. HiaB, faintly too.
HiaDT is movie soundtrack quality, defo memorable.
The title track's another single-worthy one, but its tethered to the record bc it should hold it together, similar to her other title tracks.

Bc the tracks sway from one to similar temperaments, we can't really make a narrative without knowing how she'd like the end to b, aside from HtD. That being said ~ 

1. Norman Fucking Rockwell
3. IYC
4. Cinnamon 
5. Happiness is a Butterfly 
6. Hope is a Dangerous Thing For a Woman Like Me to Have - But I Have It 
7. Venice Bitch 
10. How To Disappear 
11. Mariners Apartment Complex 

MAC references Venice Bitch, Venice Bitch references the title track.
- MAC seems like a dark before dawn kinda track, so I'd wanna say that Venice Bitch precedes it.
- Venice Bitch is contemplative, so it'd make a lot of sense for the title track to precede Venice. 

She sings that she'll always be right here, no one's going anywhere; perfect for introducing the strength, courage and unwavering love she might have for someone she's been dealing problems with. Kinda like how Norman and her grew and blossomed together (possibly).

Kinda like, there he is, here I am. Things turn to shit, but I'll be here for you. I've a trench of emotions I'll keep to myself, maye we'll grow up, hope u do, bc I'm already moving towards that. Hope to see you there, r u ready for it? 

Reflecting off all this, ya think she might've taken so long releasing anything bc of emotional closure and organizing the tracks into a concise narrative? They did start off as a collection of songs, and we know she stands by releasing things when they're emotionally authentic to her so - 


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1. Norman Fudging Rockwell (You Fudged Me So Good)

2. Serial Killer

3. Happiness Is A Butterfly

4. In Your Car -I'm A Star And I'm Burning Through You

5. Cinnamon -In My Teeth, From Your Kiss (Violet Blue Green Red)

6. Yosemite Pt. 2 (We Did It For Fun, We Did It For 10% of Your Income)

7. Crashed My Tesla Mom Car -Because I Was Fucking Dancing Instead of Driving

8. When They Screamed For Us To Stop We Kept Driving

9. You Sort Of Have To Go Faster Than My Fastest Cars -Because I Don't Have A License Anymore

10. Crying Crustacean (Cancer Kween)

11. Hope Is A Dangerous Thing For a fuck it i give up

12. How To Disappear

13. Hill Song

This is golden =))))))))))))))))))) I love the car narrative in the middle there lmao 

~~~My body is stuck in the ocean ugcs3%2Fv3%2Fproject_attachments%2FGC6xU My mind is lost in the universe*** 

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every snippets she teased all sound the same and hiab is the only song worth the wait bc she's just so cute and yeah

They all sound the same??? Are you okay? Did you take your vitamins this morning?

I'll do it for the right reasons

Withstanding all the time, changes and seasons


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Why are you guys not including the "you don't have to be stronger than you really are" snippet in your theorized tracklists? Is everyone sure it is actually in your car?

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Why are you guys not including the "you don't have to be stronger than you really are" snippet in your theorized tracklists? Is everyone sure it is actually in your car?


Because nobody wants it on there so we are trying to pretend that it doesn't exist.

ur legit gonna look the same stop buying oil of Olay face cream

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I really didn't want to weigh in on the album rankings BUT

every time you diss LFL just remember it brought us one of Lana's greatest songs ever.


and yes i'm talking about the masterpiece that is Heroin.  :w8ing:


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Everyone is doing their own versions of the NFR tracklist and I wanna join in, so...


1. Happiness is a Butterfly

2. Cinnamon

3. Dead Poet's Society

4. How To Disappear 

5. Stronger

6. Hope is a Dangerous Thing

7. An Ode to Hunter S.Thompson (Interlude)

8. In Your Car

9. We Can Change the World

10. Norman Fucking Rockwell

11. Venice Bitch

12. Paint Me Happy

13. Mariner's Apartment Complex

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I've had a vision and Best American Record will be on the tracklist.

we can dream... honestly though if they reworked the production to fit the acoustic vibe (mostly just the chorus) of this album i'd DIE of happiness... but lana's too lazy to even do that so

Lana Del Rey Honeymoon GIF

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