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Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread

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This AIN'T it. No one is going to tell me that photo isn't better than Honeymoon with its ugly ass font and Lust for Life's corny smile. Serve that cold tea to someone else

The honeymoon font is so beautiful, and so is Lana's beaming smile on LFL


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Does anyone know what the fuck she’s saying when she says “A gate keeper carelessly dropping his keys in my nights off”? Is it “nights off” or “night sock” or “night soft”??? I can’t hear it well enough to make it out


if i fuck this model and she just bleached her asshole and i get bleach on my t-shirt, imma feel like an asshole

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Does anyone know what the fuck she’s saying when she says “A gate keeper carelessly dropping his keys in my nights off”? Is it “nights off” or “night sock” or “night soft”??? I can’t hear it well enough to make it out


Probably "nights off" because I don't think a night sock is a thing 


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Does anyone know what the fuck she’s saying when she says “A gate keeper carelessly dropping his keys in my nights off”? Is it “nights off” or “night sock” or “night soft”??? I can’t hear it well enough to make it out

I think it's "nights off." It makes sense in the context she sings it in

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A gatekeeper carelessly dropping the keys on my nights off:

The person who is supposed to be controlling who goes in and out of Lana's property/neighborhood dropped his keys on her night off, meaning anyone can pick up those keys and break into her house, or his shift ended and he dropped (off) his keys in the gatekeeper booth when Lana is just trying to enjoy her night but now she's just paranoid someone will come get her, meaning she can't enjoy herself. Works with the line about monsters under her bed that she could never fight off. At least that's what I get from it... :awkney:


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A gatekeeper carelessly dropping the keys on my nights off:

The person who is supposed to be controlling who goes in and out of Lana's property/neighborhood dropped his keys on her night off, meaning anyone can pick up those keys and break into her house, or his shift ended and he dropped (off) his keys in the gatekeeper booth when Lana is just trying to enjoy her night but now she's just paranoid someone will come get her, meaning she can't enjoy herself. Works with the line about monsters under her bed that she could never fight off. At least that's what I get from it... :awkney:

I think it's "nights off." It makes sense in the context she sings it in

Probably "nights off" because I don't think a night sock is a thing 


Thanks guys. I mean I love that song and I’m always either singing it or humming it but when I sing it I’m wondering what is she actually saying lmao but I see what you mean, I can see it being nights off and I think that’s what it is


I just wish Apple Music had verified lyrics from the artists’ management Team instead of bullshit lyrics that’s automatically found online


if i fuck this model and she just bleached her asshole and i get bleach on my t-shirt, imma feel like an asshole

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Do ya guys remember when we were rooting for space Lana during the Lfl period? Just remembered it bc of how solemn Hope is, and how perfect it'd be to be shot in space, like imagine Sandra Bullock floating around while the song's playing 

Kinda like us, and then breaching for impact back down from all the static once news finally comes to us via insta link giphy.gif


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A gatekeeper carelessly dropping the keys on my nights off:

The person who is supposed to be controlling who goes in and out of Lana's property/neighborhood dropped his keys on her night off, meaning anyone can pick up those keys and break into her house, or his shift ended and he dropped (off) his keys in the gatekeeper booth when Lana is just trying to enjoy her night but now she's just paranoid someone will come get her, meaning she can't enjoy herself. Works with the line about monsters under her bed that she could never fight off. At least that's what I get from it...


It's interesting to see how people interpret things so differently!


I straight up just assumed it was about Saint Peter and how he carelessly drops the keys to the Pearly Gates to Lana on those nights. Like, when she's alone on her nights off, she feels like the pearly gates to heaven would be right in front of her if she just picked the keys up. So I just kinda saw it as a metaphor for her being tempted by death on those nights off.


(sorry if none of this makes sense, my sleeping pills already kicked in real good.....)

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The honeymoon font is so beautiful, and so is Lana's beaming smile on LFL

I think so too. Honeymoon's cover was/is beautiful, and yeah so is Lana's smile, but I'm still thinking about the regret of how photoshopped it looks. Like a sc filter or something 

It's interesting to see how people interpret things so differently!


I straight up just assumed it was about Saint Peter and how he carelessly drops the keys to the Pearly Gates to Lana on those nights. Like, when she's alone on her nights off, she feels like the pearly gates to heaven would be right in front of her if she just picked up the keys. So I just kinda saw it as a metaphor for her being tempted by death on those nights off.

thank you


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watch us not even be able to tell when the cover is released if its the version ben didn't like or the one she was too lazy to do  :toofunny:

Honestly Im fucking terrified of that bc already here head on there's some kind of discrepancy of what's to happen, and it's like when a cover does come out, someone's gonna ask for the other version that we won't get, add that to the list and where's the closure in that 


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Honestly Im fucking terrified of that bc already here head on there's some kind of discrepancy of what's to happen, and it's like when a cover does come out, someone's gonna ask for the other version that we won't get, add that to the list and where's the closure in that 

i feel like she should include the cover that didn't make it as the final into the booklet, but then again it could be and we might notice because she won't tell us. 

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