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Ethel Cain

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34 minutes ago, cainforever said:

skinhead is not that bad its obviously her older style but the beat is fire


i mean its not bad but it definitely could be better i feel like a more polished version would do numbers on soundcloud 

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59 minutes ago, landeath said:

is the song Stye really fake as folks are saying? the 32 minutes one :rip:

Very much so :facepalm: pretty sure the same person posted a fake leak called "Nearer My God To Thee" and it was just a slowed down version of the intro of Perverts :girlbye: bitches wanna be exclusive so bad

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8 minutes ago, Ethel Cain said:

Very much so :facepalm: pretty sure the same person posted a fake leak called "Nearer My God To Thee" and it was just a slowed down version of the intro of Perverts :girlbye: bitches wanna be exclusive so bad

So probably the same goes to Aggrandization...?

It looks like those 3 files are from the same 'leaker' considering the track numbers in the .wavs. :facepalm:


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Just now, landeath said:

So probably the same goes to Aggrandization...?

It looks like those 3 files are from the same 'leaker' considering the track numbers in the .wavs. :facepalm:

I said this on leaked.cx and im gonna paste it here again because bitches are really aggravating the way they need attention so bad! 



For anyone who believes the people claiming to have Ethel “leaks”, they’re lying, sorry to burst your bubble. It would be borderline impossible to obtain anything that was never on her SoundCloud because she doesn’t work with anyone in the industy except for her friends and her mastering engineer—so her stuff doesn’t get passed around necessarily. Especially new stuff like whatever they’re claiming “Nearer My God To Thee” is. You can speed it up yourself in PaulXStretch and it will sound the same as the intro to her song “Perverts”.

Even this song “Teddy” isn’t really a leak. It was on her SoundCloud at one point.

There has been one song of hers that actually leaked and it’s fan-titled “Football”.


It's so funny to me how they leak stuff in WAV format and add track numbers as if that's how the real files would look :girlbye: I'm not sure what that song "Brood X" is, but obviously whoever leaked it is not the primary source for whatever material they have. I'm assuming Hayden shared some songs with fans back in 2021 or whatever and they've gotten passed around and now these gremlins have their greasy hands on them and are leaking them to look cool or whatever. Frauds! :hottie:


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On 1/26/2025 at 3:08 PM, Ethel Cain said:

I said this on leaked.cx and im gonna paste it here again because bitches are really aggravating the way they need attention so bad! 



It's so funny to me how they leak stuff in WAV format and add track numbers as if that's how the real files would look :girlbye: I'm not sure what that song "Brood X" is, but obviously whoever leaked it is not the primary source for whatever material they have. I'm assuming Hayden shared some songs with fans back in 2021 or whatever and they've gotten passed around and now these gremlins have their greasy hands on them and are leaking them to look cool or whatever. Frauds! :hottie:



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2 hours ago, Andre Lamoglia said:

ty for this whats the difference between the for sure demo and the released one? is it like an early mix

i just added that ver lol just in case, idk if there is a difference, maybe the demo is just un mastered/mixed

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On 1/26/2025 at 12:58 PM, cainforever said:

skinhead is not that bad its obviously her older style but the beat is fire

spill grail names 🙏


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38 minutes ago, mio said:

but rlly who gaf about these 😭😭😭

a man is holding a baby in his arms and the baby is looking at the camera
wait but do you even have all these.. cuz like i didn’t even know they existed in full


also when you say xxxxxxx are you talking about the snippet everyone has or a full version

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1 hour ago, mio said:

fuck me eyes, stoker, maybe have you told your wife, shrines (demo), xxxxxxxxx, strangers (demo iv), full pantheon snips, dog days & romeos daddy remasters studio, DIARY OF A SERAPH, black genesis, unpitched teddy, mama, floodswater,

need :pray2:

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On 1/27/2025 at 7:00 PM, Ethel Cain said:

wait but do you even have all these.. cuz like i didn’t even know they existed in full


also when you say xxxxxxx are you talking about the snippet everyone has or a full version


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2 hours ago, mio said:

i have like.. 50% of them? also full ver of it cause it’s very likely that that’s just a snippet!

kinda random but do you know if verona was ever finished? 

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5 hours ago, mio said:

born to die (cover) [that one i pray to god won’t leak] fuck me eyes, stoker, maybe have you told your wife, arsonists lullabye (cover), rabid (cover), shrines (demo), xxxxxxxxx, strangers (demo iv), full pantheon snips, dog days & romeos daddy remasters studio, DIARY OF A SERAPH, black genesis, wake up call studio, light bringer [which is technically already mentioned] sex change, (which should not leak!!)

rlly iffy ones would be powerline valley corrupted ver, greet death sample, carpet bed demos, unpitched teddy, mama, floodswater, that one inbred demo on her tt, the hard times demos, there’s something wrong w/ him studio, tongue early demo, but rlly who gaf about these 😭😭😭


i assume these r the grails they r talking ab (if unleaked only)


is there a good reason why people shouldn't leak sex change?

On 1/26/2025 at 2:42 AM, mio said:

wait i didn’t notice skinheads got leaked im gonna kms 😭😭

i’m gonna stay silent because ik the circumstances around brood


tell us pls


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