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Jon Batiste Interlude

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About Jon Batiste Interlude

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  1. can't even focus on the snippet of Nirvana. too busy being distracted by Katy trying to whip her hair around and then getting on the table/hitting her head on the ceiling
  2. I hear "but I'm gonna keep lyin' while I'm in your bed"
  3. why does this post say out July 3rd when it's July 4th?
  4. Feel like I'm missing something, what is all the merch branded "perverts" referring to? Anyone have any ideas?
  5. also known as Fans in Disguise
  6. IDK this seems like classic gatekeeping behaviour to me. "You don't get her so the fact that you like her is irritating to me because you're too young/don't understand" is what it reads as IMO. Who cares if 13 year olds like her music? Even 13 year old "swiftie-esque" fans who might not "get" it the way you perceive yourself to, are allowed to support and love her music. Oh and by the way, it's these types of kids who support artists directly, share their music with everyone, make fan art, buy physical copies... Imaging trying to control who listens to what or likes what they like. Or being like, "Sure you like her but you don't really UNDERSTAND" an example that comes to mind. Lana may have written music that was going over my young head when I first heard her. Doesn't mean I didn't love her, love the music, and that she didn't mean something important to me. Doesn't mean that the music doesn't mean something to me, even if I'm not getting what she was intending. Let young kids like what they like.
  7. is it definitely AI? if someone made it with AI, who is the source?
  8. Jon Batiste Interlude


    how does everyone rank the new music she played at coachella? for me its 1. fantasia 2. taratata 3. beauty and the beast 4. synchronize 5. liberte 6. music for machines I really hope Fantasia is one of the ones she already uploaded to spotify
  9. Nicole had an account because she's a massive Lana fan. why would Ethel have an account here?
  10. honey, you want her to release stuff and THEN decide who gets to listen?
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